- 玩家一旦全破遊戲,且擁有至少一個最高等級角色,現在可以在主選單創建最高等級角色!
- 在主選單中新增根據稀有度自動出售裝備的選項:
- 自動出售功能會根據你設定的稀有度,在撿拾裝備時自動將其出售。此功能不適用於外觀物品。
- 任務裝備說明:若啟用自動出售功能,當一項任務結束後,該任務掉落的任何獎勵物品都會自動出售。若要避免不小心失去任務獎勵,可以在完成任務前將自動銷售選項設定為「無」。
- Steam Deck調整:加大「選項選單」中的字體。
- 四個全新玩家頭像
- 四個全新玩家外觀
- 四個全新飾品
- 兩個全新ECHO外觀
- 一個全新通用武器外觀
2023 年 8 月 31 日
- 增加了全新自訂項目歡慶《邊緣禁地合輯:潘朵拉寶盒》發售!
- 四個全新寶庫獵人頭部
- 四個全新寶庫獵人外觀
- 兩個全新ECHO裝置外觀
- 四個全新武器飾品
- 一個全新通用武器外觀
- 新增了先前難以取得或難以在瘋狂厄爾的商店中解鎖的外觀物品
- 更新了SHiFT選單
- 調整了部分伊利族書文
- 修正了「痛苦凍結」圖示,現在可正常顯示
- 讓「恐駭之光」武器飾品更加耀眼
- 更新了製作群與特別感謝名單
- 微調了使用者介面
- 修正了其他小錯誤
- 針對PlayStation®4和PlayStation®5新增對PlayStation跨平台遊玩的支援
- 【針對PlayStation®】為PlayStation®5增加對可變更新率的支援
- 【針對PlayStation®】修正玩家回報的「總監剪輯版幕後花絮影片無法正常播放」的問題
- 各種跨平台遊玩相關修正
- 修正玩家回報的「ECHO選單地圖在超寬螢幕上無法正確顯示」的問題
- 各種效能與穩定性改進
- 為擁有「總監剪輯版」追加內容的玩家帶來「寶庫卡片3:碉堡主人」。
- 為「試煉之地」地圖新增了一個開關,方便玩家可啟動「真」試煉活動。
- 在瘋厄爾的商店中新增了3個新ECHO裝置自訂外觀。
- 更新了茂理斯的黑市販賣機,使其不必靠每週Hotfix遷移至新地點。
- 為「狂匪克里格與驚奇瞎搞之旅」裡的平台新增了碰撞機制,防止玩家墜落。
- 更新了「杰里科」火箭發射器,使它的爆炸不再會造成友方傷害。
- 改善了Xbox One上的配對。
- 更新了「佛朗哥火幕」,以計入與魔王擊殺相關的寶庫卡片挑戰。
- 更新了寶庫卡片每日挑戰「擊殺10名巨人」,使之能傳承給其他角色。
- 更新了寶庫卡片每日挑戰「擊殺10名人蟋」,使其只在人蟋被擊殺時才更新,而不會在丁剋瓦蟋被擊殺時更新。
- 更新了寶庫卡片挑戰的遙測數據。
- 更新了本地玩家資訊的遙測數據。
- 處理了在多人遊戲中關卡轉場時視角有時會出錯的問題。
- 處理了多人遊戲中主機玩家有時無法踢掉未選擇角色的玩家的問題。
- 處理了在「激鬥!庫衛者破口」第二篇中生成收割者後有時無法繼續遊戲的問題。
- 處理了ECHOcast Twitch延伸項目有時會看起來無法更新的問題。
- 處理了Stadia上音效偶爾會不一致的問題。
- 修復了寶箱動畫卡頓,造成空寶箱的問題。
- 將諸多Hotfix轉移到主遊戲。
- 處理了由於著色器未清理而出現的一些問題。
- 處理了退出到桌面時PC有時會當機的問題。
- 處理了登入SHiFT時可能發生的一個問題。
- 處理了若使用者登出再登入,Xbox Series X上可能發生的一個問題。
- 處理了刪除角色時偶爾發生的問題。
- 處理了使用者產生了太多拋射體而可能發生的問題。
- 處理了玩家從超寬重設畫面設置時可能發生的問題。
- 處理了PC使用者使用SHiFT快速鍵(預設:F3)時可能發生的當機情形。
- 新增了一項檢查,以防止在Xbox One和PS4上的顯示模式中切換時可能發生的當機情形。
- 調整了好友清單中遊玩資訊選單的位置。
- 調整了分割畫面中抬頭顯示元素,使其恰當顯示在正確的地方。
- 更新了瘋厄爾的重骰機,在切換排序方法時正確排序裝備的武器。
- 更新了SHiFT視窗,使其不會在垂直分割畫面中被裁掉。
- 處理了關卡轉場後今日推薦物品提示有時停止出現的問題。
- 處理了物品欄和寶庫卡片選單在分割畫面中有時不會正確顯示的問題。
- 防止「失敗」畫面在玩家於「激鬥!庫衛者破口」任務開始之前死掉時彈出。
- 改動了寶庫卡片的選擇使用者介面,好讓獎勵切換時能維持突出顯示。
- 修正了特務贊恩的肩載巨砲在關卡轉場之後有時仍然可見的問題。
- 修正了特務贊恩「電擊大道」外觀的顯示問題。
- 更新了魔女阿瑪拉的「羽化」技能,以杜絕某些無法正確施法的情形。
- 更新了魔女阿瑪拉的「帕塔利遊俠」和「神殿聖徒」寶庫獵人頭部,使其只在加入外觀物品清單之後才會出現。
- 「寶庫卡片2:歡迎來到潘朵拉」已新增至所有擁有「總監剪輯版」的玩家遊戲中
- 新增了銀行SDU,額外增加100個銀行空間
- 移除了「激鬥!庫衛者破口」最後部分的移動平台,並新增了空中跳躍功能。
- 最佳化已經在內容中的Hotfix,並且本土化了許多目前的Hotfix
- 處理了有時候Xbox Series X玩家加入PC玩家所主持的遊戲時,會發生的當機情形
- 處理了在SHiFT中導染時有時會發生的當機情形
- 處理了在Stadia上當玩家封鎖並解除封鎖某玩家時,有時會發生的當機情形
- 處理了使用DX12的同時退出遊戲時的當機情形
- 處理了某些PlayStation玩家的遊戲在配對時偶爾會卡在僅限本地模式的問題
- 處理了PlayStation玩家有時候在嘗試配對時會收到「配對錯誤5」訊息的問題
- 更新了從寶庫卡片收到的資料
- 更新了TNT木桶的衝擊音效
- 更新了遊戲內購買「槍、愛情與觸手怪:韋恩萊特和金臂鎖爵士的婚禮」以及「狂匪克里格與驚奇瞎搞之旅」追加內容的提示,讓其可以進行互動
- 更新了當在日天部族營地拯救完范恩並且跟隨他時的紋理,避免其有時候出現閃爍情形
- 處理了玩家駕駛車輛時,有時候會在地圖轉場後失去所有功能的問題
- 為瑪雅喪禮幕後花絮內容納入了額外的配音語言
- 更新了本能暴君,使其在戰鬥中的表現如同預期
- 更新了先前在多種重型手槍、高森武器、DNA武器以及「激鬥!庫衛者破口」上未正確套用的本土化Hotfix。
- 處理了Xbox平台上有時會出現的畫面卡頓問題
- 處理了在亞洲國家,某些PlayStation使用者的快速移動無法正確運作的問題
- 更新了SHiFT好友清單以避免代替用的名稱偶然出現
- 更新了線上配對時的使用者ID資訊
- 更新了多人遊戲中的「舉報玩家」功能,使其在分割畫面中以原本預期的大小顯示
- 同步了Stadia上的寶庫卡片挑戰,使其與其他平台相符
- 更新了寶庫卡片系統以避免新的挑戰顯示為已完成
- 更新了郵件選單上的內容選單,使其正確寫是
- 從社群選單中移除了遭到封鎖的玩家
- 修正了當玩家接受來自另一名已停用跨平台遊玩的玩家之邀請時,會顯示的錯誤訊息
- 更新了各個選單,讓玩家能在合作模式中連線到SHiFT帳號
- 更新了寶庫卡片,避免當卡片未啟用時,寶箱的動畫出現
- 更新了「擊殺10隻巨人」每日寶庫卡片挑戰,使其綁定玩家帳號而非角色
- 修正了預留位置的電子郵件文字,使其有語言支援
- 處理了在PC上拖放功能有時候運作的狀況不如預期的問題
- 更新了狀態與物品欄選單,使其能夠如同預期般適合超寬解析度
- 更新了載入畫面,使其在HDR開啟時能正確顯示
- 更新了SHiFT帳號詳情,使其在分割畫面中能正常顯示
- 更新了「主機並未擁有此內容」訊息,讓玩家在加入未擁有「設計師加強版」追加內容的玩家時有所參考
- 新增了寶庫卡片獎勵的語言支援
- 調整了玩家資訊在選單中好友清單的位置
- 更新了特務的SNTNL增益「靜電場」,使其能在對護盾造成電擊傷害的同時補充護盾能量
- 更新了特務的數位分身,使其能生成正確數量的手榴彈
- 更新了特務的「刺客一號」頭部,使其在套用惡魔騎士外觀時能如預期般顯示
- 處理了若獸王在重新配點前使用主動技能,有時候會無法重新改放其主動技能的問題
- 處理了未擁有「設計師加強版」追加內容的玩家在使用獸王時有時候會選擇到離子裝載機器人寵物的問題
- 重新導向了玩家使用獸王時瑪雅的次元抓取能力,以避免瑪雅鎖定玩家的寵物
- 更新了增益霰彈槍電擊或酸蝕傷害的神器,這樣一來它們便只能如同預期般表現,不會同時增益霰彈槍的傷害
- 更新了槍手的武器受膏,「離開鋼鐵熊霸後,濺射傷害增加160%,持續18秒」來移除未列入描述的護盾容量提升
- 更新了槍手的受膏,「離開鋼鐵熊霸之後的下3個彈匣提供加快33%的裝填速度,並增加67%的操控性」來移除未列入描述的火焰傷害
- 更新了槍手的受膏,「離開鋼鐵熊霸之後的下2個彈匣提供加快10%的射速,並增加20%的暴擊傷害」來移除未列入描述的火焰傷害
- 當使用光束/快速射擊的武器進行攻擊時,避免惡魔和惡霸生物迅速觸發痛苦嘯聲
- 將在卡特爾集團的復仇最後和喬一起出現的卡特爾集團二當家納入魔王當中,使其能夠計入「擊殺100個魔王」每週挑戰。這未包括弗朗哥火牆,它會在未來更新納入
- 為嘮叨猛魔怪的小屋旁那座瀑布邊的樹木新增了碰撞,避免玩家直接穿過
- 新增了在主遊戲地圖中能生成的伊利錠堆數量
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 增加了額外拋射體的速度
- 提升了武器傷害
- 新增了在季度活動期間通常作為挑戰獎勵的裝備,使其成為相應魔王的掉落品
- 在戰利品愛心的掉落池內新增了「婚禮邀請」與「多角戀情」
- 增加了魍特艦長掉落傳奇季度裝備的機率
- 在血腥慶典活動啟用期間,為重骰機新增了血腥慶典的受膏屬性若該活動未在主選單中啟用,玩家將不會在裝備上看見這些受膏屬性
- 更新了特務的「負心人」外觀,使其同時出現在他的屏障技術上
- 更新了茂理斯在心碎節期間的音效,使其優先播放有關的獎勵的對白,而非一般關於心碎的稱頌
- 處理了在活動期間,若玩夾完成了前一年的挑戰,挑戰有時候會標記為「完成」的問題
- 避免了有玩家加入分割畫面時,提前出現額外無法運作之黑市機器的問題
- 調整了物品欄的彈出畫面,避免在水平分割畫面中,有陰影出現在其他玩家的畫面上
- 處理了導致「雙管齊下」的視覺效果無法正確延展至分割畫面的問題
- 調整了3到4名玩家分割畫面的好友名單,以避免隱藏的按鈕提示出現
- 處理了造成玩家有時候無法新增至分割畫面遊玩的問題
- 更新了分割畫面中的使用者介面,好讓兩邊的使用者皆能正確地看見任務目標、夥伴生命值,以及ECHO肖像
- 調整了SHiFT選單中個人檔案名單卡的下拉式選單,使其能在分割畫面中正確顯示
- 調整了4玩家分割畫面中新消息的位置
- 處理了「神鬼莫測變色龍:卡拉斯峽谷的鬼魂」可能會在儲存並載入回遊戲後發生的進度阻礙回報
- 更新了「邪惡實驗」支線任務,避免任務圖示「!」出現在地圖上出乎意料的位置
- 避免了玩家在進行「神鬼莫測變色龍」任務期間移動到未發現的地點
- 升級了野戰車,讓其將車輛擊殺的數據共享到車輛中的所有玩家
- 為寶庫卡片獎勵新增了遺失的本地化文字
- 移轉了某些寶庫卡片挑戰的執行個體,使其不會在當天顯示為已經完成。寶庫卡片2將會採取額外的措施來避免此問題。
- 新增了瑪雅喪禮幕後花絮內容的本地化配音
- 更新了音效,使其與幕後花絮內容中的影片同步
- 處理了若玩家裝備了鎖生命值的傳奇神器,玩家會帶著1點生命值進入歡樂大奪殺的問題
- 處理了從歡樂大奪殺中取出的戰利品有時候在從歡樂大奪殺返回庇護所三號後不會出現在玩家的銀行中出現的問題
- 更新了ECHO裝置,為受膏重骰機與混亂2.0選單更新了新顯示畫面
- 處理了歡樂大奪殺的倒數通知會在未觸發狀況下顯示之問題
- 調整了武裝汲取器和重骰機的使用者介面元素,使其在超寬解析度中顯示得更好
- 處理了當玩家在效能與解析度模式間切換時,有時候會出現的當機情況
- 處理了在PlayStation 4上快速切換地圖時有時會發生的當機情形
- 避免了若玩家在殺掉聖嘴的目標啟用前便擊殺聖嘴會出現的進度阻礙
- 避免了若玩家在大屠殺之星3000的登陸艦創造敵人時死亡會出現的進度阻礙
- 更新了「太空雷射爭奪戰」以處理若「拿下控制室」目標完成得太快,可能會出現的潛在阻礙
- 更新了盲目賢者霰彈槍的擊殺能力,使其裝備在特務的數位分身上也能啟動
- 更新了勝利衝刺神器效果計算的方式。現在,玩家擊殺狠角色後能在玩家身上套用60秒的增益,並會在額外擊殺狠角色後重設
- 調整了「叛逆伏特」護盾,正確地移除了取消裝備時其電擊表現
- 調整了「超級士兵」護盾,避免其接收到多層的狀態調整
- 處理了PC跨平台遊玩中,偶爾會導致船員艙中放置的裝飾無法妥善儲存之問題
- 處理了導致跨平台遊玩期間,邀請選單出現未預期之結果的問題
- 處理了玩家從PlayStation的「休眠」模式中回復時,玩家無法加入多人遊戲的問題
- 處理了老爸的老爺車在遭到摧毀後有時候還會出現的問題
- 配對功能的一般性最佳化與改善
- 處理了跳過過場動畫時,偶爾會出現系統訊息之問題
- 處理了玩家無法使用ECHO地圖的快速移動功能,快速移動至車輛的問題
- 處理了檢查武器時,變更武器外觀的按鈕提示消失的問題
- 更新了外框,使其在效能與解析度模式中都有一致的大小
- 調整了SHiFT覆蓋視窗中的「管理SHiFT好友」頁面,使其僅顯示SHiFT好友(而非也包括平台邀請)
- 在Epic上為邀請新增了平台圖示,讓玩家能看到邀請方在哪個平台上
- 更新了有所偏離的多個選單物件
- 讓放火之前,更容易在敵人身上上油
- 提升20%的基礎傷害
- 增益了傷害
- 增益了傷害
- 啟動「真」生存試煉活動,該活動將持續至台灣及香港時間7月1日午夜11:59
- 啟動「真」狡猾試煉活動,該活動將持續至台灣及香港時間7月1日午夜11:59
- 啟動「真」紀律試煉活動,該活動將持續至台灣及香港時間7月1日午夜11:59
- 啟動「真」熱忱試煉活動,該活動將持續至台灣及香港時間7月1日午夜11:59
- 啟動「真」本能試煉活動,該活動將持續至台灣及香港時間7月1日午夜11:59
- 啟動「真」制霸試煉活動,該活動將持續至台灣及香港時間7月1日午夜11:59
隨著最後一次等級上限提升登場,我們認為現在是改變目前最有效之受膏效果戰略的好時機。我們發現有幾個不分角色的受膏效果經證明能成為所有角色與配點的首選。在我們今天帶來變更之後,我們希望看到角色專屬的受膏效果能成為最有效組合,與先前相比,將為發展其角色技能樹及主動技能的玩家帶來更多獎勵。我們預期玩家會對此議題做許多討論,因此我們會密切留意玩家社群的意見。若有必要,我們會再對這些變更做更進一步的調整 。
- 對於次元投影與相關之主動技能,幻象投影的傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用次元抓取時,武器傷害原本提升100%
- 對於次元重擊與相關之主動技能,重擊的傷害原本提升100%
- 對於次元晶球與相關之主動技能,晶球的傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用隱蹤時,武器傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用重力陷阱時,武器傷害原本提升100%
- 使用拉剋獸出擊!後,短時間內原本獲得50%暴擊傷害。
- 使用攻擊指令後,原本可暫時獲得30%生命竊取。
- 啟用鋼鐵熊霸時,熊霸拳傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用鋼鐵熊霸時,火蜥蜴傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用鋼鐵熊霸時,磁軌砲傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用鋼鐵熊霸時,迷你砲傷害原本提升100%
- 啟用鋼鐵熊霸時,V-35榴彈發射器原本提升100%
- 啟用鋼鐵熊霸時,征服者多管火箭艙原本提升100%
- 啟用鋼鐵幼雛時,武器傷害提升100%
- 離開鋼鐵熊霸之後的下2個彈匣提供加快10%的射速,並增加20%的暴擊傷害
- MNTIS肩載巨砲的傷害原本提升100%
- 屏障啟用時,準確度提高60%,而暴擊命中傷害增加70%
- 數位分身啟用時,每秒恢復彈匣內彈藥的12%。
- 擊殺敵人賦予5%武器傷害及裝填時間,持續25秒;此效果可疊加
- 主動技能結束時,主動技能冷卻速率會短暫提升20%
- 在主動技能結束後,短時間內可獲得15%汲取生命的能力。
- 敵人生命值在90%以上時,武器傷害原本提升300%
- 生命值低於50%時,造成150%額外輻射傷害
- 連續擊中每次提升1%武器傷害,沒打中即移除所有加成
- 主動技能結束時,濺射傷害會短暫提升200%
- 主動技能啟用期間,武器傷害原本提升200%
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了開火時重填彈匣的機會
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了暴擊的傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了傷害半徑
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了拋射體速度
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了彈匣容量
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了彈匣容量
- 克雷德的EM-P5
- 坦克人的護盾
- 月之火
- 凱布的資產
- 重分者
- 反流
- 多次點按
- 擲網者
- 環球者
- 煙霧
- 光速手榴彈模組
- 更新了「雪橇」傳奇級神器,以提供預期的滑行獎勵
- 更新了魔女「死神的祝福」職業模組上的物品卡,以準確表示加成
- 為「槍、愛情與觸手怪」追加內容中的諸多裝備指定專屬的來源
- 重新平衡了傳奇武器的掉落權重
- 提升了所有魔王掉落的戰利品數量
- 提升了主遊戲和資料片中魔王掉出職業模組和神器的機會
- 提升了職業模組與神器出現在試煉之地試煉寶箱中的機會
- 提升了玩家從試煉之地試煉寶箱中獲得傳奇獎勵的機會
- 提升了寶庫卡片寶箱獎勵的伊利錠數量。
- 提升了「殺殺不息」魔王掉落的伊利錠數量
- 提高了完成寶庫卡片挑戰的獎勵經驗值
- 擴大了副本魔王快速傳送站周遭區域,確保所有玩家都能啟用
- 移除了鑽石軍火庫護之盾池中的傳奇「坦克人的護盾」和其他混亂4+裝備
- 移除了鑽石軍火庫之混亂衝鋒槍池中的「P2P網路人」
- 降低了寶庫卡片「超級士兵」的護盾加成
- 提高了試煉寶箱出現職業模組和神器的機會
- 提高了在稀有寶箱中找到傳奇裝備的機會
- 「不敗者」將巢穴蓋在潘朵拉一處先前遭到封印的地方,而在「總監剪輯版」中,你終於能和這隻巨怪敵人來場槍砲對螯鉗的全武行!
- 若要和不敗者下戰帖,玩家將需要先完成主劇情進度並擁有「總監剪輯版」。屆時玩家便可在小吵鬧在庇護所三號上的櫥櫃中接受這個副本任務。玩家的隊伍必須支付500伊利錠將門打開,才有機會在戰勝之後獲得新的戰利品。
- 亞娃確信自己找到了某些超自然殺人案件的線索,並且決定以網路廣播節目的方式分集紀錄她的發現。玩家得擔任幫她出槍出力的共同主持人,調查在潘朵拉、卓識星、伊甸六與死亡之地等處的詭異情形,並在許多熟人的幫助下找尋解答(與戰利品)。
- 擁有「總監剪輯版」的玩家將能獲得全新的選單選項!探索充滿概念草圖、分鏡、失落的地圖以及《邊緣禁地3》開發過程影片等內容的藝廊—包括未能納入《邊緣禁地3》的瑪雅特別動畫。
- 寶庫卡片是《邊緣禁地3》新增的挑戰式進度系統,玩家可藉此解鎖各種主題外觀物品,外加符合角色等級的強力裝備。
- 每張寶庫卡片會提供三種每日挑戰以及一種多層級的每週挑戰。
- 每日挑戰將會在台灣及香港時間每天午夜12點重置,而每週挑戰則會在台灣及香港時間每週五午夜12點重置。
- 為擁有「設計師加強版」的玩家新增了「歡樂大奪殺」的新裝備
- 為擁有季票2的玩家新增了寶庫門徒外觀包
- 茂理斯的黑市販賣機會提供頂級的傳奇戰利品,並且每週都隱藏在不同的新位置(DLC地圖除外)。
- 此販賣機將在台灣及香港時間每週五午夜12點改變位置。
- 只要250伊利錠,玩家將能夠重骰任何裝備上的現有受膏效果—但務必小心,重骰受膏效果後就不能回頭!
- 此機器永久設置在庇護所三號上的瘋厄爾旁邊
- 鑽石軍火庫位在庇護所三號艦橋下方,裡頭塞滿了各式戰利品
- 使用鑽石鑰匙即可開啟此房間,而鑽石鑰匙是可透過寶庫卡片取得的稀有獎勵!
- 更新了R.Y.N.A.H.,使其能夠重骰受膏效果
- 更新了心碎節武器,使其能夠重骰受膏效果
- 更新了重型武器傷害神器,使其能妥善地增加重型武器傷害
- 更新了主動技能啟動受膏效果,使得在主動技能啟動期間切換為主動技能啟動受膏效果的武器時即可享有受膏效果的益處。
- 處理了在「第一個寶庫」任務後,所有玩家無法聽到醫務室中的伊利族紀錄的問題
- 更新了DLC2、DLC3及DLC4,使其能在「真」寶庫獵人模式中妥善地根據玩家等級進行調整
- 更新了「莫西的帥氣頭彩大劫案」中的伊利錠罐,使其能妥善地顯示於所有玩家畫面中
- 重新命名了特務的「臨界點」職業模組,將其改為更妥當的名稱:「間諜」
- 更新了「設計師加強版」中的「溫泉」傳奇手榴彈,使其顯示正確的紋理
- 處理了導致倒地玩家在「歡樂大奪殺」中復活後,仍待在殊死一搏狀態的問題
- 修正了導致在「歡樂大奪殺」中所獲得的技能點未能正確賦予的問題
- 新增了有玩家在「歡樂大奪殺」中死亡後進入觀眾模式之指示
- 處理了當玩家進入激烈戰局中,整個遊戲會有的明顯卡頓
- 更新了計時活動,使其在玩家已玩過前年活動之情況下給予目前的活動獎勵
- 更新了魍特艦長,以避免若他的護符太快遭到摧毀時,他的無敵時間過久。玩家得等到血腥慶典再次回歸才能看到此變更!
- 永久將Hotfix新增至遊戲中
- 更新了槍手莫茲的「和諧的毀滅」能力,使其能在進入殊死一搏後獎勵正確數量的傷害
- 更新了魔女阿瑪拉的「次元抓取」技能,使其能在無法抓取敵人(例如魔王)而是造成傷害的情境下正確發動
- 更新了魔女阿瑪拉的「次元晶球」技能,使其能在瞄準地面、使用主動技能以及切換武器的同時正確發動
- 修改了「殘餘」技能拋射體,使其擁有自己的傷害來源
- 更新了「殘餘」技能,使其僅允許槍枝和主動技能傷害通過遺留晶球,以符合物品卡所述
- 更新了FL4K的「控制指令」職業模組,使其會在受到子彈、近戰和技能傷害時觸發
- 更新了獸王的離子裝載機器人寵物,使其能在使用眼部雷射攻擊時追蹤移動的敵人
- 更新了獸王在快速百變站的「兇惡星球」外觀,使其使用正確的圖示
- 更新了Epic版《邊緣禁地3》的好友清單,使其再也不會顯示不存在的好友
- 新增了PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X的邊界偵測
- 處理了導致某些美術與文字跨越至下方畫面的分割畫面問題
- 更新了圖示,使其能妥善地顯示於分割畫面中的ECHO地圖
- 更新了特務的「雙管齊下」技能,使其能在分割畫面中展示完整效果
- 處理了導致PlayStation 5上「伊利族石板的傳說」和「土地測量之王」獎盃無法解鎖的問題。在更新之後,先前已完成這些要求的玩家應該便能在遊玩《邊緣禁地3》後獲得獎盃
- 處理了在PS4和PS5間轉移存檔資料時,會導致庫衛者等級重置的問題
- 在PlayStation 5上新增了實況時會模糊化SHiFT選單的畫面
- 新增了導致某些玩家在開始配對後無法搜尋其他玩家的問題
- 處理了若玩家擁有較慢的HDD版PlayStation 4,有時會顯示出的多種系統錯誤
- 處理了有時候會導致玩家角色、等級與地圖位置未能在多人遊戲中顯示的問題
- 處理了導致某些Xbox使用者在未開啟遊戲的狀況下,無法從好友之邀請加入好友的遊戲問題
- 處理了讓某些Xbox玩家在沒有Xbox金會員資格的情況下仍可持續在遊玩線上模式的問題
- 改善了Xbox的伺服器整合
- 調整了玩家使用混亂等級時的世界掉寶機率
- 防止神器在玩家於「歡樂大奪殺」裡達到27級解鎖之前掉落。
- 提升了傳奇裝備出現在庇護所三號黃金寶箱中的機會。
- 降低了在混亂6及更高層級中使用混亂調整的被動技能所造成的傷害。
- 實施特務「承諾」技能最高兩層疊加,使之與相似的技能相符,防止過多疊加。
- 將槍手「火爆浪子」的傷害加成從75%降低至50%
- 提升了魔女的「次元投影」和「次元重擊」技能造成的傷害:
- 次元投影 - 投影傷害提升5%
- 「解脫」加成提升5%
- 「殘響」加成提升10%
- 「濕婆之舞」加成傷害提升10%
- 次元重擊 - 重擊傷害提升10%
- 「破裂」傷害加成提升至35%
- 「墜落」加成提升至10%
- 將庫衛者技能「創始者」的傷害加成從25%降低至10%
- 提升了裝填爆炸傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 略微降低了後座力
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 降低了武器傷害
- 戰利品敵人現在將有機會掉落傳奇火箭發射器「R.Y.N.A.H」
- 在奧略莉亞的魔王物品池中增添了「火焰風暴」手榴彈模組
- 移除了魔女「殘餘」技能未列出的近戰、滑行和重擊傷害
- 調整了「魚拍」手榴彈模組造成的近戰傷害
- 降低了「白象」神器的黏性手榴彈傷害加成
- 擲網者
- 獻身
- 羅森的刺
- 雄偉
- 母親也是
- 智慧槍XXL
- 十加侖
- 提升了武器傷害
- 降低武器裝填的機率
- 提升了傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 更新多人遊戲中的武器,以正確射擊。現在玩家將在單人和合作模式中發現,裝填前武器只會射擊兩次
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了輸出傷害
- 提升了尖刺傷害
- 提升了黑洞奇點傷害
- 提升了輸出傷害
- 處理了在多人遊戲中,Xbox Series X|S使用者在主機玩家與任務目標互動之前登入地圖造成的潛在進度阻礙
- 更新了車輛生成器,以使其在另一位玩家已經開始前往另一個地圖時不會啟動
- 為傳奇手槍「令克」添加了受膏支援
- 調整了泰地沃投擲武器的傷害
- 處理了主動技能結束套用恐怖受膏時,只會套用一疊恐怖的問題
- 更新了魔女的「融合」與「強力表述」技能,以搭配冰凍元素
- 更新了魔女的「羽化」技能,以搭配加速
- 更新了槍手的「鋼鐵幼雛」,以從職業模組獲得主動技能傷害加成
- 調整了槍手的「非常手段」、「燃燒餘燼」及「燎原火力」技能,以搭配「鋼鐵幼雛」
- 處理了獸王的「控制指令」職業模組會造成寵物出現奇怪行為的問題
- 調整了特務的「惡魔騎士」頭部自訂項目外觀
- 處理了「溫泉」手榴彈模組在範圍效果結束後仍然會持續治愈玩家的問題
- 玩家現在將以全滿的體力值開始「歡樂大奪殺」遊戲
- 「歡樂大奪殺」中獲得的技能點數已經變更為無需保存/退出即可更新
- 更新了觀眾模式中的迷你地圖,以追蹤派對成員的位置
- 調整了「歡樂大奪殺」中的時間條,以正確顯示「擊殺重量級哈克」剩餘的時間量
- 「歡樂大奪殺」中的任務武器不會再停留在玩家的物品欄中
- 處理了在「歡樂大奪殺」中1級角色升級時,主動技能不會正確解鎖的問題
- 處理了「溫泉」手榴彈模組在範圍效果結束後仍然會持續治愈玩家的問題
- 【Xbox Series X|S】修正了在某些情形下,玩家的控制器在載入畫面中會持續震動的問題
- 【Xbox Series X|S】修正了在使用「鋼鐵幼雛」時,載入地圖會使控制器震動的問題
- 啟動了「晴朗無雲歡樂大奪殺迷你活動」。此活動將於台灣及香港時間1月29日凌晨12:59點結束。
- 提升了武器傷害和射速
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 將擊殺敵人時補充SNTNL無人機冷卻及持續時間的機會從15%提升為35%
- 提升了武器傷害、彈匣容量、射速及拋射體速度
- 降低了裝填時間
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 堵住了「寶庫英靈殿」地面上有時會造成玩家掉出地圖的洞
- 在「歡樂大奪殺」中,玩家不再能透過重量級哈克的座駕進入魔王的泡泡護盾
- 處理了「歡樂大奪殺」裡奇點手榴彈有時候會造成重量級哈克掉出地圖的問題
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了造成的傷害轉變為治療的百分比
- 提升了賭場籌碼的掉落率和數量
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了造成的傷害轉變為治療的百分比
- 提升了該武器所生成岩漿池造成的傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了造成的傷害轉變為治療的百分比
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了裝填後取得加成效果的機率
- 將彈藥消耗從4降低到2
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了生成的頭顱造成的傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了電擊或火焰傷害的時長
- 添加火焰彈至每個增益
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了加成電擊傷害的機率
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 新增對「設計師加強版」的支援
- 新增了四棵專屬每位寶庫獵人的技能樹 - 新增了「歡樂大奪殺」 - 新增了多重宇宙最終型態外觀給擁有季票的玩家
- 新增了混亂11
- 更新受膏效果以支援四棵技能樹
- 新增14項全新主動技能傷害受膏效果
- 移除了敵人的混亂等級裝備
- 新增了支援最終型態角色的外觀至新生復活站
- 更新了一些載入畫面訣竅讓玩家看得更懂些
- 針對玩家槍聲更改了優先音效系統
- 最佳化了音效記憶體
- 最佳化了動畫記憶體
- 修正了「激鬥」開始時倒數計時在螢幕上閃爍過快的情形
- 更新了ECHO裝置,現在角色說話時會顯示正確的角色頭像
- 處理了從快速選單進入照片模式卻沒有啟動照片模式的問題
- 在照片模式使用重設視角功能來重設視角不會再重設至一個隨機位置
- 非標準外觀比例設定下的載入畫面不再會放大顯示
- 最佳化了使用者介面效能
- 修正了ECHO地圖意外旋轉的情形
- 更新了全民科學機,使其不再會偶爾無法運作
- 處理了設法達成貪婪蒼穹「家族珍寶號」任務的「保護貝力克斯」目標時,敵人不會重生的問題
- 處理了設法達成被遺忘的大教堂「錠多城之下」任務的「擊碎伊利錠礦床」目標時,伊利錠礦床沒有出現的問題
- 在地化Hotfix
- 修正了用戶端玩家結束鋼鐵熊霸主動技能時可能會導致主機玩家當機的問題
- 修正了在ECHO地圖上檢視快速傳送站時遊戲可能當機的問題
- 將歡樂大奪殺納入配對
- 將試煉和殺殺不息結合成單一配對池
- 處理了在「激鬥」地圖配對的玩家會被安置到不同配對池的問題
- 更新了配對池,未來配對池的建立僅會考量混亂模式是否啟用,而不是替每個混亂等級建立一個配對池
- 交換了死神將至和殺紅眼在技能樹上的位置
- 新增了擊殺技能加成+15%至殺紅眼
- 交換了「自信就是實力」和「防火牆」在技能樹上的位置
- 提升了「自信就是實力」的槍枝傷害
- 膠帶
- 全面升級了護盾的能力,無論主動技能在何時啟動護盾都能在擊破前補充
- 降低了主動技能傷害加成
- 更新了「共享羈絆」,此技能未來僅能向敵人輸出武器和近戰傷害
- 在次元重擊後可增加武器或近戰傷害的武器受膏裝備,現在會適當增加傷害
- 更新了「Muse」職業模組避免其獲得額外的傷害模組
- 寵物現在可從全球手榴彈受膏裝備中獲得傷害加成
- 處理了使用「拉剋獸出擊」主動技能和「清點人數」被動技能造成連續暴擊時,「拉剋獸出擊」沒有適當獲得充能且冷卻時間遭重設的問題回報
- 新增了對次世代主機Microsoft Xbox S/X和Sony PlayStation 5的支援。
- 為Twitch ECHOcast新增了對4棵技能樹的支援
- 為Twitch ECHOcast新增了對歡樂大奪殺的支援
- 觀看在遊玩歡樂大奪殺期間使用ECHOcast的直播主時,物品欄、技能樹、庫衛者等級標籤皆會隱藏。「稀有寶箱」活動也會停止並由「汲取器突破」活動取代
- 遊玩歡樂大奪殺時,會出現一個新的地圖標籤,並會產生一個標註重要地點的遊戲內地圖。這些重要地點包括:
- 玩家位置 - 重生點 - 汲取器位置 - 魔王區域 - 死亡圓圈大小、位置和狀態之間的時間
- 替ECHOcast新增了一個新的歡樂大奪殺活動:汲取器突破!
- 啟用了紫色伊利族手槍,現在會掉落至遊戲中
- 提升了「零」庇護所三號上懸賞佈告欄的畫面解析度
- 處理了一個先前造成部分PC使用者無法掉落身上裝備的變更
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了雷射停止時所釋放的拋射體數量
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了濺射傷害範圍
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 移除了「狂人克里格與驚奇瞎搞之旅」DLC裡寶庫底部不尋常的閃耀方塊
- 「活動」標籤現在將顯示「血腥慶典」活動的正確結束日期
- 提高了「血腥慶典」活動中裝備出現受膏效果的機率
- 加倍了彈匣容量
- 裝填現在有1/3的機會立即獎勵所有可能的加成
- 提升了武器傷害加成
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 降低了後座力
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了彈匣容量
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了裝填速度
- 提升了奇點手榴彈造成的傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器準確度
- 降低了後座力
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 提升了傷害半徑
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 降低了額外生成的手榴彈的高度及距離
- 增加了每恐怖層數須射出的子彈數量
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了傷害加成
- 提升傷害加成至75%
- 提升了傷害加成
- 調整了文字使其符合遊戲中的實際表現
魔女受膏效果 「次元抓取一名敵人後,阿瑪拉會向抓取的敵人發射恐怖頭骨,造成3718點傷害。」(等級50)
- 提升了傷害加成
獸王受膏效果 「使用攻擊指令後,消耗所有恐怖層數,讓FL4K的寵物能在短時間內獲得50%額外火焰傷害。」
- 提升了傷害加成
槍手受膏效果 「裝填完畢後,消耗所有恐怖層數並造成一次霜凍爆發。」
- 提升了傷害加成
- 提升了突擊步槍、衝鋒槍與手槍武器的點放射速。並不影響傳奇武器。
- 提升傷害調整與彈匣大小
- 一開始的目標現在將會受到武器多餘的拋射體攻擊
- 略為提升了武器傷害
- 提升了近戰傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了加成傷害
- 手榴彈的冷卻時間減半
- 提升了忽略子彈的機率
- 提升了每個啟用主動技能的加成
- 提升了傷害加成
- 提升了霜凍爆發造成的傷害
- 提升了傷害減免
- 提升了受到冰凍傷害期間的移動速度
- 提升了傷害加成
- 提升了數據加成
- 提升了重設SNTNL無人機冷卻和持續時間的機率
- 增加了對《邊緣禁地3》第四款戰役追加內容「狂匪克里格與驚奇瞎搞之旅」的支援
- 等級上限提升5級,成為65級
- 為手槍、霰彈槍、衝鋒槍、突擊步槍和手榴彈增加了2個SDU升級,同時為庇護所三號上失物招領機增加了2個擴展SDU升級
- 處理了多人遊戲中「補充彈藥」提示會一直停留在用戶端玩家畫面中的問題
- 玩家職業圖示現在會顯示Steam和Epic Games Store PC跨平台玩家的資料相片
- 在玩家啟用「殺手」並在近戰中殺死一名敵人時,他們現在有機會從「殊死一搏」狀態中恢復
- 玩家透過配對加入遊戲時,不再會變更混亂模組
- 為帶有「爆發」或「反射」的護盾增加對混亂傷害調整的支援
- 阿瑪拉的「共享羈絆」增益現在僅會向敵人輸出槍支和近戰傷害
- 獸王的「清點人數」被動技能不再會阻止「拉剋獸出擊!」造成暴擊時獲得適當數量的充能
- 獸王的「支配」技能在持續時間內會一直傷害動物類型的目標
- 在敵人受到濺射傷害或是元素持續傷害時,獸王的「疊加機器人」職業模組不再會重設它的傷害疊加提升
- 獸王的「友善機器人」職業模組現在會提升寵物的傷害
- 槍手的「沉溺彈殼」被動技能現在會向鋼鐵熊霸的兩支武器套用獎勵傷害,而不是只有左邊武器
- 修正了多人遊戲中,用戶端玩家使用傳奇霰彈槍「賈西亞」時會發生垂直開火的問題
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了擊殺時的爆炸半徑
- 提升了DPS和魔法球拋射體傷害
- 提升了魔法球碰撞半徑,以便增加撞擊的機會
- 提升了魔法球傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 降低了充能時間
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 降低了魔法球速度並提升爆炸傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 降低了裝填時間
- 提升了武器傷害
- 將彈跳上限從5次提升到了7次
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了子拋射體的半徑
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 武器護盾容量全滿時加倍提升傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器過熱前射擊的次數
- 提升了武器傷害
- 加倍了每次擊中身體時的暴擊加成
- 提升了手榴彈整體傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了拋射體造成連鎖傷害的機會
- 提升了拋射體造成連鎖傷害的機會
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了追敵子彈暴擊的傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 將彈藥消耗從4降低到3
- 提升了準確度
- 降低了拋射體的攻擊範圍
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 減少了武器充能時間
- 提升了射速
- 提升了手榴彈傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 提升了武器傷害
- 製造儀現在具備了名為「傳奇」的副射擊模式,可花費250伊利錠生成1至3把傳奇武器。你可像操作其他武器一般切換至此副射擊模式,並能在發射時能看見紫色效果。
- 玩家現可在庇護所三號瘋厄爾門外的老鳥獎勵販賣機購買於先前任務中獲得的獎勵。在任務完成後,任務獎勵會自動新增至商品池中,讓玩家使用伊利錠購買!
- 我們根據社群意見重新平衡了販賣機商品,現在於各類型販賣機將有少數機會買到傳奇裝備。我們也將罕見(綠色)稀有裝備自「今日推薦物品」商品池中移除。
- 無論是在寶箱裡找到的獎勵,還是狠角色敵人掉落的獎勵,兩者品質皆已稍微強化,目的是為了確保寶箱能提供獎勵性和興奮感,讓玩家打敗艱難敵人後得到適當激勵。
- 砂石車
- 送葬者
- 碎肉
- 屁股咬和松露嚼
- 希嘉
- 羅納
- 雷克斯
- 馬克斯
- 亞契‧羅威
- 血光仙子
- 受膏者穆多克
- 阿提米斯
- 阿波羅
- 波波大王
- 納舍國王
- 受膏X2
- 受膏X3
- 受膏X4
- 阿札莉亞
- 普斯頓中尉
- 在空中時,暴擊傷害提升了25%
- 在空中時,傷害提升了30%
- 在空中時,射速提升了20%
- 在空中時,準確度與操縱性提升了75%
- 在滑行時,傷害提升了40%
- 在滑行時,準確度與操縱性提升了50%
- 在滑行時,射速提升了25%
- 在滑行時,可累積能量補充部分的護盾值
- 當主動技能啟動時,略微減少所有受到的傷害
- 當主動技能啟動時,受到傷害值的250%將會作為電擊傷害反彈至攻擊者身上
- 主動技能結束時,暴擊傷害會短暫提升25%
- 主動技能結束時,製造一個傷害鄰近敵人的賽博尖刺
- 主動技能結束時,生成一個長達數秒的治療池
- 主動技能結束時,射速及裝填速度會短暫提升11%和26%
- 主動技能結束時,武器準確度與操縱性會短暫大幅提升
- 主動技能結束時,移動速度會短暫提升5%
- 主動技能結束時,受到傷害值的30%將會短暫反彈至攻擊者身上
- 離開鋼鐵熊霸後,會有5秒鐘時間不消耗彈藥
- 使用次元重擊後,受到的傷害會減少20%,移動速度則提升12%
- 使用次元抓取後,武器準確度與操縱性會大幅提升
- 處理了在分割畫面下可能發生當機的情形
- 減少了使用多種元素攻擊敵人時因造成傷害而產生的拋射體數量,並將拋射體彈跳次數限制為4次。
- 包含了「草莽大鏢客」戰役追加內容的額外支援語言
- 處理了已探索全部具名地點後,獎盃/成就有時仍處於鎖定狀態的問題
- 回溯授與獎盃/成就給達成要求的玩家
- 處理了叛徒草拋射體僅會出現在主機玩家螢幕中的問題
- 處理了弗拉多夫「核心轟炸」手榴彈模組在第一次爆炸後,生成的小手榴彈會對盟友造成傷害的問題
- 處理了在《激鬥!庫衛者破口》中,疫龍會將站在未啟動跳躍台的使用者傳送到地圖外,並在第二次傳送時將其殺害的問題
- 處理了無情安納斯馬在《激鬥!庫衛者破口》中並未使用正確死亡傷害資料的問題
- 處理了在「草莽大鏢客」劇情資料片中重新啟動遊戲後,武器飾品會從收藏中消失的問題
- 處理了噴氣獸迫擊砲會造成兩次傷害的問題
- 處理了獸王寵物炙炎蜘蛛蟻在發動噴濺攻擊時,意外地多次受到混亂傷害調整的問題
- 提升了混亂模式中寵物傷害調整幅度
- 處理了特務的數位分身和O.P.Q.等特定武器互動時,會多次受到混亂模式傷害調整的錯誤
- 處理了槍手的鋼鐵熊霸和Minesweeper等特定職業模組互動時,會多次受到混亂模式傷害調整的錯誤
- 處理了在混亂模式中,槍手和特務在使用不同職業模組時,意外地受到等級提升傷害的問題
- 處理了玩家受到混亂模組的技能傷害調整時,受膏裝備「當主動技能啟動時,持續觸發造成X傷害的晶球」錯誤調整的問題
- 魔女的「共享羈絆」的主動技能傷害進行了適當調整
- 處理了在混亂模式中,宇宙隕石坑傳奇神器並未對重擊傷害調整元素水坑傷害的問題
- 玩家不可再透過表情動作取消來濫用「混亂」堆疊
- 處理了FL4K「清點人數」被動技能無法正常運作的問題
- 處理了在FL4K的「爆裂援助」主動技能結束時,強化震動效果持續運作的問題
- 在針對客戶端玩家使用「突破規格」外觀時,FL4K的寵物已可使用正確顏色
- 處理了FL4K普通嘮叨猛寵物攻擊指令無法正常運作的問題
- 更新了槍手的「無私復仇」技能,將根據每一等級投入的點數調整持續時間
- 移除了在《激鬥!庫衛者破口》中,魔王發動傳送動作時,槍手可透過進入或離開鋼鐵熊霸來跳過魔王傳送動作的能力。
- 處理了在使用莫茲的自動熊霸時,榴彈發射器沒有在啟動「不銹鋼熊霸」被動技能期間造成額外傷害的問題
- 處理了在「心靈熔化」神器效果啟用時,特效會在使用第二次重擊後持續存在的問題
- 處理了僅有主機玩家能看見「心靈熔化」神器第一人稱特效的問題
- 「石泣之血」任務中醉鬼威廉的閒置語音現在有聲音了
- 在「激鬥!庫衛者破口」增加了疫龍的死亡對白
- 使用者介面最佳化
- 改良了新聞小工具使用者介面
- 處理了在「草莽大鏢客」戰役追加內容的爆破平原中裡,玩家在駕駛載具切換關卡時彈出預留位置提示的問題
- 更新了信件的捲軸按鈕狀態
- 處理了視覺效果選單內多個選項出現預留位置描述的問題
- 槍手的「混亂」堆疊不會再因為進入鋼鐵熊霸而喪失
- 處理了造成魔女輻射元素受膏效果不及描述中所顯示的錯誤
- 變更了魔女「私人空間」上列出的傷害提升,以反映遊戲內的真實情況
- 處理了獸王「熱血與回血」技能並未提升寵物治癒率的問題
- 調整了魔女的「共享羈絆」技能,以反映其在遊戲中所造成的傷害
- 處理了在「激鬥!庫衛者破口」的「盲女之眼」中,玩家可以進入意料之外區域的問題
- 處理了在「激鬥!庫衛者破口」遇到無情安納斯馬之前,位於兩個伊利錠寶箱附近的一個卡點
- 處理了在「激鬥!庫衛者破口」中「鐵幕時刻」的一個卡點
- 處理了敵人在受到魔女的「魅惑」技能後,不僅對傷害免疫且無法被玩家擊殺的問題
- 修正了九頭蛇的名牌,現在顯示為輻射貝力克
- 處理了在「草莽大鏢客」戰役追加內容中,敵人坐騎受到魔女「魅惑」技能的影響後對其使用「傳送遙控器」,該坐騎會變成永久盟友的問題
- 處理了在「草莽大鏢客」戰役追加內容的「奇蹟萬靈藥」中,史丹利醫生在受到魔女「魅惑」技能影響後無法變回敵人的已知任務阻礙
- 處理了在「草莽大鏢客」戰役追加內容的「髒活」中,泡浴史提夫在受到魔女「魅惑」技能影響後無法變回敵人的已知任務阻礙
- 處理了在「草莽大鏢客」戰役追加內容中抵達軍需官魔王區域前,蘿絲會待在房間裡的問題
- 重新啟用了混亂模組「邊境問題」和「無人機騎警」
- 在劇情資料片「草莽大鏢客」中,乘坐車輛時若關閉照片模式,照相機不再會重設
- 處理了劇情資料片「草莽大鏢客」中,魔女阿瑪拉的「魅惑」有時不會遵從敵人陣營的問題
- 處理了槍手職業模組「百萬噸級洗腦專家」有時會在遊戲日志中濫發錯誤的問題
- 處理了《邊緣禁地3》中各處文法問題
- 更新了槍手的「熔岩咆哮」技能卡,現在包含「火蜥蜴」火焰噴射器100%傷害增強的文字,並且移除了列出的燃料減益
- 移除了槍手的「鐵錘協議」上的傷害加號
- 更新了槍手的「軟化目標」技能說明,列出「征服者」的50%彈匣減益
- 更新了槍手的「激活追蹤」技能說明,列出彈匣容量
- 更新了槍手的「電擊錘」技能說明,列出「熊霸拳」基礎傷害的減少
- 新增支援《邊緣禁地3》第三款戰役追加內容「草莽大鏢客」!
- 等級上限提高了3級,現在為60級
- 新增了3個新的庫衛者等級技能且庫衛者等級提高
- 創始者:近戰與重擊攻擊會觸發餘震,造成你過去5秒內產生的所有非近戰傷害的25%傷害 - 死屍漫步:在殊死一搏期間,只要不移動,殊死一搏量表消耗的時間便會減緩50% - 子彈或生還:進入殊死一搏時,所有槍枝都會自動裝填完畢
- 處理了在弗拉德摩爾盆地的「家族珍寶號」任務期間,有時會發生的當機問題
- 處理了在PC上用Alt+Tab切換視窗時,遊戲有時會沒有回應的問題
- 處理了主機玩家退出至主選單時有時發生的當機情形
- 新增了混亂層級的近戰、滑行與重擊的傷害調整
- 新增了混亂層級的技能傷害調整
- 新增了混亂層級的寵物傷害調整
- 新增了混亂層級的車輛傷害調整
- 更新了數個被動技能,讓其能更妥善配合混亂層級傷害
- 將技能傷害新增為職業模組中可骰出的數值
- 替手榴彈模組新增混亂層級
- 現在所有戰利品來源會出現混亂裝備
- 變更了「殘餘」、「火爆浪子」、「一視同仁」、「己所不欲」和「共享羈絆」的傷害來源,以解決它們在更高混亂層級中出現「雙衰退」和不當調整的問題
- 載具的傷害現在已做統一調整,而非僅對非載具做調整。
- 處理了分割畫面玩家有時候無法捲動整個混亂模組清單的問題
- 處理了混亂模組「無人機騎警」之治療無人機有時無法順暢複製客戶端位置的問題
- 處理了混亂模組「邊境問題」的範圍特效會在敵人死後持續存在的問題
- 處理了玩家坐在砲手位置時,混亂車輛傷害純量並未妥善套用的問題
- 處理了混亂模組「雷射砲出動」有時候會在遭受傷害時產生新的雷射光束的問題
- 新增了數位分身與鋼鐵熊霸支援傷害調整的能力
- 處理了車輛耐久值有時會被裁掉的問題
- 在地化Hotfix
- 進一步提升近戰和主動技能傷害
- 提升所有製造商手槍的傷害
- 提升泰地沃衝鋒槍的傷害
- 提升寶庫之子、達爾和雅各伯斯突擊步槍的傷害
- 提升海比力昂、馬立萬和雅各伯斯霰彈槍的傷害
- 移除了兩個在錯誤時間拍手的路人鎮民
- 處理了獸王FL4K有時無法抓住重要邊緣造成的潛在進度阻礙
- 解決了朱諾有時會卡在走廊的問題
- 處理了收銀機有時會漂浮的問題
- 新增了全新免費內容「激鬥!庫衛者破口」至《邊緣禁地3》主遊戲!
- 殊死一搏改善事項:
- 新增了合作復活功能,若有超過一名隊友復活倒地玩家,該玩家復活速度將會加快。此功能僅提供給合作玩家 - 減緩合作玩家正在復活的倒地玩家的移動速度 - 提升了倒地玩家身邊的互動範圍,讓其他玩家能更輕易地復活他們 - 新增了正被復活的倒地玩家以及復活倒地玩家的玩家的視覺特效,以完善復活動作的視覺呈現
- 在物品卡上增加顯示混亂層級
- 處理了部分玩家在主機玩家遊戲中被連踢三次後會發生當機的問題
- 處理了客戶端玩家在康納德的藏匿處「天使與飆速惡魔」任務中重生後,有時會發生當機的問題
- 處理了「銀河系智囊」混亂模組開啟時,使用「婚禮邀請」攻擊敵人有時會發生當機的問題
- 處理了主機玩家在剛進入「大屠殺水池」的第四回合戰鬥時,有時會發生當機的問題
- 處理了幾個會造成當機的問題
- 提升了導航至販賣機時的效能
- 主機版使用者介面最佳化
- 提升了物品欄效能
- 提升了快速選單效能
- 提升了主選單效能
- 提升了物品檢查效能
- 提升了夥伴工具效能
- 提升了模型教學效能
- 透過移除技能樹選單中不必要的線框來提升記憶體效能
- 提升了在物品欄選單中拖曳和放置物品的效能
- 處理了玩家在分割畫面瀏覽角色選單時,有時會發生明顯影格率下降的問題
- 處理了在康納德的藏匿處「黑暗中的惡魔」中,有時會在撿起ECHO紀錄後造成效能變差的問題
- 提升了HUD效能
- 處理了使用高射速武器並左右移動時,有時會造成視角偏斜的問題
- 當PC版遊戲視窗不是焦點時停用所有控制器輸入
- 當玩家在載具或砲塔內時停用進入快速選單的功能
- 處理了玩家在錠多城大都會進入野戰車時,車輛有時會發射到空中並離開遊戲區域的問題
- 處理了陣亡敵人屍體有時會在「康納德的藏匿處」電梯內拉長的問題
- 處理了主機玩家在庇護所離開會話時,蹲伏在客戶端玩家房間走道即可離開地圖的問題
- 處理了使用載具衝撞一個界外區域會觸發「殊死一搏」的問題
- 調整了販賣機彈藥價錢,將按照玩家等級而非販賣機等級進行調整
- 處理了條紋和細絲有時會在部分玩家外觀上消失的問題
- 處理了受膏裝備「對生命值90%以上敵人造成300%額外傷害」的功效未正常在非肉體敵人類型上起作用的問題
- 處理了僅有當玩家將庫衛者優勢在會話中解鎖時,該功能才會被系統視為開啟的問題
- 處理了客戶端玩家在元素水窪存在時重新載入地圖中,有時水窪貼花會保留下來的問題
- 更新了製作群
- 為遊戲新增了先前的Hotfix
- 處理了在技能樹選單中提示條會超出範圍並延伸至螢幕底部的問題
- 處理了ECHO紀錄選單中「開始遊戲」按鈕有時會不正常顯示的問題
- 在邊緣禁地科學裡,玩家必須等上10秒才能要求跳過目前的解謎遊戲,並開始一個新的
- 處理了加入另一個遊戲局會移除邊緣禁地科學強化的問題
- 處理了特務的兩項主動技能同時啟用時,受膏武器效果可能會受到另一項主動技能影響的問題
- 新增了一個遊戲標記,藉此提升莫西尾酒寶箱在遊戲中的發現機率。
- 處理了加入另一個遊戲居會失去莫西尾酒增益的ECHOCast問題
- 處理了稀有寶箱贏家計算數值錯誤的ECHOCast問題
- 處理了長時間遊玩後庇護所煙霧或蒸氣會開始閃爍的問題
- 重新平衡了混亂層級7、8、 9和10的敵人生命、護盾和裝甲的混亂數值
- 做了一項變更,現在只有主機玩家可以選擇或套用混亂模組的改變
- 處理了要你命9000、克拉肯、沃坦和艾斯塔有時不會生成混亂層級裝備的問題
- 混亂模組「暴民心理」和「連鎖幫眾」無法再同時變更啟用
- 混亂模組「地板就是岩漿」的發射頻率已下降,它所承受的傷害也不再計算入內,從而幫助玩家留在戰鬥之中
- 混亂模組「連鎖幫眾」現在會於玩家接近時產生光束,並在玩家遠離時消散,藉此讓它們的發射頻率下降
- 最佳化了混亂的戰鬥時間更新
- 處理了玩家在混亂模式中投擲手榴彈並且做出變更後,有時不會正確載入的問題
- 處理了玩家啟動非快速傳送的新生復活站後,傳送倒數計時有時不會在套用混亂模組變更時顯示地圖名稱的問題
- 處理了混亂基座上數字標示不會在調整層級後正常顯示的問題
- 處理了在禁區內變更混亂設定時,邊境砲塔警告使用者介面會保留在螢幕上的問題
- 處理了「驗屍」混亂模組中敵人死靈無法對莫茲的自動熊霸,或位於鋼鐵熊霸槍手位置玩家造成傷害的問題
- 處理了「驗屍」混亂模組中,敵人死靈若是由尚未擊倒的敵人所生成,進而造成它原地打轉的問題
- 對拋射體在「驗屍」和「凍結標籤」混亂模組承受傷害時,生成的視覺衝擊效果進行數量限制
- 「驗屍」、「復仇者希利」和「凍結標籤」現在會檢查瀕死敵人的陣營與玩家有無關聯,進而決定他們是否要生成
- 處理了「小惡徒」混亂模組開啟時,玩家可能會短暫進入殊死一搏的問題
- 處理了「邊境問題」混亂模組中,有時生成的光束會在視覺上附著於玩家身體的問題
- 處理了「邊境問題」混亂模組中,有時生成的光束會在玩家擊敗轉為友方的敵人NPC後附著於玩家身體的問題
- 處理了「邊境問題」混亂模組中玩家和敵人之間出現障礙物時,有時光束效果不會觸發的問題
- 處理了部分頭部有時不會在「銀河系智囊」混亂模組開啟後正確縮放的問題
- 處理了混亂模組功能偶爾不會在敵人身上正確執行的問題
- 處理了當「戰利品爆發」混亂模組開啟時,有時以暴擊擊倒的敵方掉落武器不會總是符合目前混亂層級的問題
- 載具現在可成為混亂模組的目標
- 處理了選用「經典」按鈕配置遊玩後,改變追蹤任務的方向鍵符號依然會顯示在HUD上的問題
- 處理了花費技能點數後,經驗條上方HUD會顯示空白提示的問題
- 處理了控制器中斷連接後,會出現多個訊息滑出視窗並重疊的問題
- 處理了新增一名分割畫面玩家時,使用者介面選單速度會發生變化的問題
- 處理了客戶端玩家接受對決邀請後畫面不會顯示倒數的問題
- 新增了對文字聊天的改善
- 更新了變更已查看活動的提示文字,改為「更改已查看的活動」
- 處理了快速暫停並繼續遊戲時,有時會造成部分HUD消失的問題
- 將「卡特爾集團的復仇」受膏裝備增添至裝備的永久掉落池中
- 處理了曼塔柯爾和剋拉嘶的尖刺忽視贊恩屏障的問題
- 重新平衡了「激鬥!庫衛者破口」敵人一次生成的數量
- 重新平衡了「激鬥!庫衛者破口」部分敵人的生命值
- 處理了「激鬥!庫衛者破口」中快速傳送造成的潛在進度阻礙問題
- 處理了特務的SNTNL無人機某些情形下不瞄準敵人的問題
- 提升了婊子的武器傷害
- 提升了鐵臂帥哥傑克的武器傷害
- 提升了獻身的武器傷害
- 提升了死雲術的武器傷害
- 提升了海嘯的武器傷害
- 提升了十加侖的武器傷害
- 提升了開膛手的近戰傷害加成
- 提升了征服者的武器傷害
- 提升了征服者滑行時的加成傷害
- 提升了射擊耗彈,自2升至3:我們提升了武器發射的耗彈量,所以玩家必須在彈藥管理上更加三思而行。透過新增至「卡特爾集團的復仇」的額外SDU,玩家應該還是能多少用上這把武器。
- 移除了2個拋射體:如上述所說,此武器的效能成本過高,所以我們移除了每次射擊中的兩個粒子系統。這個變更也會移除武器的部分傷害輸出。
- 提升了準確度擴散:為了彌補失去拋射體的差異,我們擴散了攻擊模式的範圍,所以它的攻擊範圍仍會涵蓋相同區域。
- 降低了拋射體有效時間:連續射擊中過多的粒子系統會對效能造成重創,所以我們已降低了拋射體有效時間。
- 提升了拋射體速度:讓武器保持戰鬥效力依舊相當重要,所以為了抵銷拋射體有效時間的降低,我們必須提升速度。套用這些變更後,這把武器的效力和先前相同,甚至更具有反應性。
- 變更了傷害數值:黃餅套用了不正確的傷害數值,大幅超過了它的預期傷害值。我們將使用預期數值來改變它。
- 減少了分裂拋射體傷害:由於各個分裂拋射體也同樣效能過強,我們將會降低其傷害值。
- 提升了準確度衡量:它的準確度可讓玩家造成精確瞄準傷害,接著透過增加的爆炸傷害來最大化傷害輸出。我們增加了準確度衡量來追求更精準的爆炸傷害加成。
- 提升了最大準確度:在全自動模式時,它的攻擊範圍非常緊湊,因此再一次讓它擁有了超出我們預期的最大傷害值。我們適當提升了準確度最大值。
- 減少了暴擊傷害:此武器提供的爆炸傷害會讓暴擊頻率增加,所以我們會略為調降它的暴擊加成。
- 降低了基礎傷害:有鑑於高森主要有兩階段傷害,首先是最初的子彈,接著是爆破子彈,這種攻擊方式會比典型衝鋒槍提供更多的傷害。我們將調降基礎傷害來更準確調整它的雙重傷害特徵。
- 空中受膏裝備:我們提升了空中受擊傷害、暴擊傷害和射速受膏裝備的效率。同樣地,空中受膏裝備也有一個錯誤,為了持續改良這件受膏裝備,我們已經將該錯誤修復。我們特別好奇玩家們會在「激鬥!庫衛者破口」中使用哪一種配點。
- 滑行射速:它也有一個錯誤,這個錯誤造成它無法提供預期的加成;我們會透過本次Hotfix解決這個問題。
- 為了讓更多配點能多加利用這類型的受膏裝備,許多受膏裝備已經過強化。無論是射速、下2個彈匣加成傷害和濺射傷害都提升了傷害值。
- 處理了死亡時混亂模式有時不會獎勵現金、伊利錠或經驗值的問題
- 處理了用風暴和火焰風暴傳奇武器開火時有時不會生成元素魔法球的問題
- 將具有非角色指定元素暴擊受膏零件的武器中「受膏槍手」不準確文字移除
- 在桑科和斯洛特的物品池中增加蒙古王火箭發射器,並提升它的傷害
- 修改了《激鬥!馬立萬秘密設施》中魔王和小魔王、沃坦及女武神小隊的專屬戰利品池
- 提升了《激鬥!馬立萬秘密設施》中魔王和小魔王的專屬戰利品池掉出超過一個傳奇物品的機會
- 處理了「混亂模式」中傳奇物品的掉落率
- 處理了「混亂模式」中受膏裝備的掉落率
- 在卓識星上啟動「宇宙尋翻天」活動
- 降低了O.P.Q系統突擊步槍的次要射速,以防止由於槍手技能所生成的大量無人機而引起的遊戲穩定問題
- 處理了「槍、愛情與觸手怪:韋恩萊特和金臂鎖爵士的婚禮」DLC裡狠角色敵人有時只會掉出普通和稀有物品的問題
- 處理了「保護《食靈之書》」過程中,敵人有時會生成失敗而導致無法推進的問題
- 處理了「驚懼林地」過程中,使用「支配」狀態效果擊殺輕浮浪子後,輕浮浪子會起身並且漂浮的問題
- 處理了「詛咒淵藪疑雲」過程中,木頭牆後方的卡點問題
- 處理了「食靈之書」過程中,管子的卡點問題
- 處理了「驚懼林地」過程中,輕浮浪子營地牆右側的卡點問題
- 將ECHOcast的莫西尾酒斗內時間間隔從60秒減少為30秒
Borderlands 3 Update and Hotfixes: April 23, 2020
New Content
- Added support for Revenge of the Cartels, the new seasonal event happening from April 23 to June 4!
Our cross-cultural researcher Maurice is back, but he's gotten himself mixed up with a rough crowd, and he's now in debt to Eridium Cartel kingpin Joey Ultraviolet. It's now up to you to take on Joey Ultraviolet and his gangs of underlings to save Maurice's hide.
- Permanently updated Mayhem Mode to Mayhem 2.0
- Addressed a reported crash that could occasionally occur when dying and respawning in Slaughterstar 3000
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur after exiting the Ammo Dump vendor menu
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur after saving and reloading after completing the "Shoot pipe" objective for The Nibblenomicon in Dustbound Archives
- Addressed a reported runtime crash
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when punching enemies with the Static Touch artifact equipped
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when loading into a cross platform game session via an invite
- Addressed a reported concern that players would occasionally encounter a hitch when completing a Crew Challenge
Network and Multiplayer
- Addressed a reported concern that some players were unable to join the host after being kicked to the Main Menu and immediately opening the Roster Menu
- Addressed a reported concern that players would not be able to join a host if the host recently changed to a more open network mode
- Addressed a reported concern that the timers in Trials would not stop after the host quit out
- Addressed a reported concern that players were able to see planets before they are intended to at the hyperspace terminal in their game if they joined a host's game that is advanced further in the game
- Addressed a reported concern that loot was spawning at the incorrect level for multiplayer players before the player selected a character
- Addressed a reported issue with the Kaleidoscope Dahl pistol where it was not firing amped shots for clients when aiming down sights in multiplayer
- Addressed a reported concern that Eridian chests did not always appear for all players in Skywell-27
- Addressed a reported replication issue with the Blue Fire Boss in Slaughterstar 3000
- Addressed client character movement replication so that events with movement simulations would appear the same on host and client
- Addressed a reported concern that explosive barrels would not consistently appear for players if the barrel was not in view of the host
- Addressed a reported concern that Ratch would disappear for the client when killing them with gore censored
- Addressed a reported concern that players would consistently hitch when any interactive object with a sub menu is hit with Atlas tracking darts
- Addressed a reported concern that players were bring charged more than the listed price when refilling ammo at an Ammo Dump vending machine
- Addressed a reported concern that Mayhem level was not displaying correctly for clients
- Addressed a reported concern that the host player could appear invisible for clients if the host respawned an Outrunner and quickly exited it
- Addressed a reported concern that players would occasionally experience stuttering while driving in a vehicle
- Addressed a reported concern that vehicle loadouts were not updated properly on the client player
- Addressed a reported concern that an Eridian crystal could be destroyed multiple times when players would join a game in Skywell-27
- Addressed a reported concern that the host player, while in Iron Bear, could remain in a client’s room when they leave Sanctuary III
- Addressed a reported concern that some players would see the character select screen at the wrong time of day if they joined when the host was viewing the intro
- Addressed a reported concern that the host player’s name would not appear properly when joining another player in LAN
- Added additional SDU's for bank size, backpack size, heavy ammo and sniper rifle ammo
With all the new gear that has arrived via DLCs 1 and 2, and events like Broken Hearts Day and Revenge of the Cartels, we thought it was time to expand the bank once again. You can now purchase 100 additional spaces for the bank, as well as 10 more spaces for your character’s backpack! With Mayhem Mode 2.0 launching today, we also thought it was appropriate to allow players to carry more Heavy Weapon ammo and Sniper Rifle ammo, so make sure to purchase those SDUs, and the others, on Sanctuary III.
- Addressed an exploit where players could continuously increase stats that are triggered when shields are broken completely or by continuously jumping off the map and dying, such as with the Pangolin Legendary Shield: “Band of Sitorak”
- Addressed a reported concern that the projectiles from the Shooting Star shield would not spawn properly
- Addressed a reported concern that artifact drops were missing a stat attribute when viewing artifact with a certain combination of primary and secondary stats
- Addressed a reported concern that the Combustion effect persisted when travelling after breaking the Stauros' Burn Legendary COV Assault Rifle
- Addressed a reported concern that the Knife Drain artifact was not applying the correct percentage of healing
- Addressed a reported concern that where artifacts with the Knife Drain ability lifesteal for 100% of the damage dealt
- Addressed a reported concern that the Buzzsaw projectile damage was incorrectly listed when viewing the Road Warrior artifact
- Optimized subtitle speed
- Updated credits
- Addressed multiple issues that could sometimes occur with the credits when standing in the Eridian water while the cutscene is triggered in Destroyer's Rift
- Addressed a reported concern that players could occasionally lose functionality when Fast Traveling
- Addressed a reported concern that players could be left in a slowed down state after leaving a cinematic
- Addressed a reported concern that preview images on the map would remain visible when viewing various other icons and challenges throughout the ECHO menu
- Addressed a reported concern with placeholder texts appearing in the ECHO map while in Cathedral of the Twin Gods
- Addressed a reported concern that placeholder text was present on the ECHO map and users were unable to reach the Orbit View during “The Great Vault” in the Cathedral of the Twin Gods
- Addressed a reported concern that players were unable to Fast Travel while other players were joining
- Addressed a reported concern that the host player would be unable to Fast Travel to a travel station in the same map while another player was in a vehicle
- Addressed a reported concern that the Fast Travel station icon did not display correctly when activated by another player in Floodmoor Basin
- Addressed a reported concern that Sanctuary III would be deselected when quickly scrolling through the Fast Travel list
- Addressed a reported concern that the level travel station is not properly displayed for the drop pod in Sanctuary III
- Addressed a reported concern that Named NPCs on Sanctuary III were not able to be interacted with during the “Beneath the Meridian” mission
- Addressed a reported concern that FaceFX would stop working some sequences
- Addressed a reported concern that Handsome Jackie's shield drone would not replicate properly for players
- Addressed a reported concern that aim assist would jitter when aiming at Loot Guardians
- Cash pickups now level sync correctly
- Addressed a reported concern that Mayhem Mode would remain active after resetting mission progress in TVHM
- Addressed a reported concern that an Eridian Husk could not be destroyed in the Cathedral of the Twin Gods
- Addressed a reported concern that VO dialogue would repeat when listening to an ECHO log in splitscreen
- Addressed a reported concern that enemy vehicles could suddenly disappear
- Addressed a reported concern that players could spawn into the incorrect map if they signed out during a map transition
- Addressed a reported concern that the screen would shake and the controller would vibrate when that player hijacks the flamethrower turret in Sandblast Scar
- Addressed a reported concern that the Day/Night cycle would suddenly change during the Tyreen fight on Destroyer's Rift
- Addressed a reported concern that players could be left unable to hear each other if a player connects a headset while the title was suspended
- Addressed a reported concern that players were able to turn in a teammate’s vehicle for parts if the teammate respawns their vehicle while another player is in it
- Addressed a reported concern that special damage text was not localized
- Addressed a reported concern that the Eridium surrounding Tyreen’s arena in Destroyer's Rift does not damage the player when the player slides through it
- Addressed a reported concern that the beam attack from Graveward’s head did not do the appropriate amount of damage
- When selecting a level transition in the Zone Map, the viewed map is now changed to where you would go
- Addressed a reported concern that Logitech equipment would flash it’s respawn colors non-stop when entering spectator mode in Takedown
- Addressed a reported concern that players who are in spectate mode would gain experience from other player's kills in Takedown
- Addressed a reported concern that objects and characters in motion will shake or jitter when viewed in Photo Mode while the motion blur settings are enabled
- Addressed a reported concern that the icons for weapon parts within the inspection menu appeared as question marks when in Chinese
- Addressed a reported concern with the ECHOCast Extension where a viewer could bring up multiple Moxxtail Event when donating bits just as the timer is about to go to the voting phase
- Addressed a reported concern that random actors could be teleported when playing a level sequence
- [PS4 Only] Addressed a reported concern that an unresponsive screen was displayed when booting the title on PS4
- Addressed a reported concern that killing a Behemoth enemy during their rocket attack causes the attack to persist after death
- Addressed a reported concern that the subtitles of the intro cinematic for Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot were not localized
- Addressed a reported concern that NPCs were not fighting during the “Guns of Reliance” mission in Floodmoor Basin
- Addressed a reported concern that the minimap icon did not display for the Moxxitail drink event
- Addressed a reported concern that the Marcus skip cinematic cutscene VO was not localized when attempting to access Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock
- Fixed a reported issue where black texture were present throughout
- Addressed a reported concern that Vaughn's cape would be stretched while driving during “Angels and Speed Demons” in Sandblast Scar
- Addressed a reported concern that the map transition counter would not be visible to players
- Added previous micropatches to the game code
- Addressed a reported issue where subtitles for Eridium Writing would not be synced with the audio
- Addressed a reported issue where subtitles could fall out of sync with VO if the ECHO log is closed a few seconds after replaying an ECHO log
- Implemented a method of manually timing subtitles
- Addressed a reported issue where audio from the Tyreen, Troy and Lilith cinematic in The Droughts can be heard again if the client disconnects and rejoins
- Addressed an audio issue with the Pyscho Badass ground slam
- Addressed a reported issue where all players would hear audio and see subtitles when the host player watched the introduction video of Borderlands Science
- Addressed a reported issue that causes audible clicking and popping with fast moving objects
- Addressed a reported issue where the cinematic music didn't play for players when driving with Maya in Beneath the Meridian
- Addressed a reported issue where the shield dome in Meridian Metroplex did not have any sound
Borderlands Science
- Addressed a reported concern that a Borderlands Science icon appeared on the HUD even if the player didn't play Borderlands Science
- Addressed a reported concern that players are unable to cancel the Booster confirmation with the escape key in the Booster shop of Borderlands Science
- Addressed a reported concern that the incorrect Borderlands Science booster icon was displayed on the HUD
- Addressed a reported exploit with Borderlands Science where the booster duration would reset to the initial duration when saving and reloading the game
- Addressed a Borderlands Science concern where the player could get stuck in an empty puzzle screen if help is accessed before receiving a "Puzzle Download Error" message
- Buffs for Moze, the Gunner
During our investigations into Moze’s viability, we determined a handful of changes that we were unable to include as a hotfix and are now included into today’s patch. Specifically, we’ve made some changes to allow a few of her skills to regenerate health, or her shields. We’ve also increased the damage output of a few skills.
Dakka Bear – When a player is in the gunner’s nest, Iron Bear's weapons and turret will now deal increase damage
Force Feedback – Added an instant 10% shield restore on top of immediately beginning shield recharging
Rushin Offensive - Added to skill: While sprinting, the Gunner also steals health with her weapons
Redistribution - Adds health regeneration as well as ammo regen after crit
Scrappy - Adds weapon damage to the skill
Torgue Cross-Promotion - Skill also now increases splash damage
Vladoff Ingenuity - Skill also now provides a shield regen rate bonus
- Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner could sometimes be ejected from Iron Bear when another player Fast Travels in the same map
- Addressed a reported concern that shields were no longer regenerating when the Terrified health regeneration anointed part was activated with the Bloodletter Class Mod on the Gunner
- Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner could escape the map by activating Iron Bear just before reaching a kill volume
- Addressed a reported concern where the Forge capstone ability for the Gunner would not fill up the user's magazine when the reserve ammo is filled up after firing the weapon
- Addressed a reported concern that the bubble shield was not consistently activating when ejecting the Iron Bear before the shield was deployed while using the Security Bear and Auto Bear skills
- Addressed a reported concern that the normal melee attack while in the Iron Bear did not launch explosive barrels
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s character model would remain in the Blitz animation after activating it
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Sustainment skill would not work while Infusion was active when using normal bullet damage
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Fracture skill did not trigger Phaseslam anointed parts
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Indiscriminate skill would reflect Torgue projectiles nearby when the Siren damaged herself with it
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Helping Hands passive skill did not reset the duration if it will still active when the Action Skill came off cool down
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Remnant passive skill did not function after killing an anointed enemy
- Addressed a reported concern that the elemental projectiles from the Siren’s Deliverance skill would not always seek out enemies
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Glamour Glamour skill would cause confused enemies to become immune and change allegiance
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s Lick the Wounds passive skill did not apply it's 30% damage boost after reviving
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s chance to fire an extra projectile per shot from Two F4ng can be stacked if the player respec's after triggering the skill
- Addressed a reported concern that pet healing from Beastmaster’s Who Saved Who skill could last for longer than intended after damage is done to the player
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s Who Rescued Who skill did not allow players to heal their pet by dealing damage
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s Ambush Predator skill did not have an icon on the HUD indicating when it was active
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmast’s action skill cooldown reductions from Head Count during Fade Away were lost on action skill end
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s Lick the Wounds passive skill did not apply its 30% damage boost after reviving
- Addressed a reported concern that damage over time would interrupt or reset the stacked buff from the Beastmast’s St4ckbot class mod
- Addressed a reported visual issue with the Beastmaster’s Roy4lty head
- Addressed a reported concern that the Operative’s Death Follows Close skill did not modify the damage of the kill skill Best Served Cold
- Addressed a reported concern that the Operative’s Schadenfreude skill did not apply when damaged by vehicles or other non-enemy sources
- Addressed a reported concern that the Operative was able to gain more ammo than intended when using Digi-Clone with the Double Barrel skill
- Addressed a reported concern with the Operative where the Calm, Cool, Collected skill would not trigger when an enemy was frozen by the Operatives's Digi-Clone when using the Double Barrel skill.
- Addressed a reported concern that the Operative’s Digi-clone would share damage when the player still has shield capacity available when using the Digital Distribution skill
- Addressed a reported concern that some enemies' projectiles could damage the Operative when holding the shield
- Addressed a reported concern that the Cyclone had no VFX
- Addressed a reported concern that the Bangarang XL bullet VFX would remain on the host's screen when thrown by a client in Athenas
- Addressed a reported concern that tether FX did not target the Rampager when throwing grenades with lingering or elemental tether effects.
- Addressed a reported concern that incorrect FX decal was used on Katagawa Jr's helmet during his cinematic in Atlas HQ
- Addressed a reported concern that the shield hex tiling for damage feedback would change based on display resolution
- Addressed a reported concern that the Lucky 7 roulette FX did not appear properly in multiplayer
- Addressed a reported concern that particles could obstruct the player's view if entering Iron Bear while status effects were active
- Addressed a reported concern that enemy Hover Technicals could be hijacked during the “Hostile Takeover” mission
- Addressed a potential blocker that sometimes occurred when players parked another vehicle behind the Golden Chariot as it traveled through the grinder during “Blood Drive” on The Splinterlands
- Addressed a potential blocker that could sometimes occur if the player killed the first wave of enemies in the Control Room before Rhys and Katagawa's dialog triggered during “Space Laser Tag" in Skywell-27
- Addressed a potential blocker that could sometimes occur in “Who Wants to Bang a Bazillionaire” mission if a player was standing at the door into Killavolt’s arena when the last mission item was picked up, causing the door to not open
- Addressed a potential blocker that sometimes occurred from fast traveling when progressing the "Approach Freddie" objective of the Winners and Losers mission in Impound Deluxe
- Addressed a reported concern that BALEX would float and move after completing the "Kill Tyrant" objective during the mission “The Family Jewel”
- Addressed a reported concern that Clay would teleport away from Reliance after receiving the "Follow Clay" objective in the “Cold as the Grave” mission
- Addressed a reported concern that the roller coaster in The Splinterlands does not stop in the correct spot for players and caused them to become stuck
- Addressed a reported potential blocker that sometimes occurred when saving and reloading when progressing the "Approach Freddie" objective of the Winners and Losers mission in Impound Deluxe
- Addressed a reported concern that the Tutorial Hint bar did not convert text to images properly
- A visual message now appears stating why players cannot travel when attempting to transition from the Vault of the Destroyer while other players are viewing the end credits
- Addressed a reported concern that the Friends Nearby icon would appear off the map in the ECHO menu
- Addressed a reported concern that could prevented players from assigning keys to the Walking setting under the Miscellaneous (On foot) category of the controller tag after setting the button scheme to Classic
- Addressed a reported issue that could prevent players from accessing or changing the Driving bound keys of Mark Target and Previous/Next Active Mission after setting the Button scheme to Classic
- Addressed a reported concern that custom waypoint did not appear correctly when placing them with mouse and keyboard after selecting the Challenges tab
- Addressed a reported concern that the progress meter for the maps would tally Zone Progress instead of Crew Challenges when selecting the Challenges tab from the Orbit View in the Echo Map
- Addressed a reported concern that the interface for Photo Mode would appear over other menus when pressing P in combination with various other keys
- Addressed a reported concern that the thumbnails in the trade menu would not appear correctly when scrolling through them
- Addressed a reported concern that incomplete dialog would display on top of functional menus when the user attempts to send mail for the social menu if SHiFT becomes unavailable
- Addressed a reported concern that the indicator for a new item was not clearing from the backpack slots in the Mail and Item Trading menus
- Updated default values for left and right deadzones to 0.15 on consoles
- Addressed a reported concern that a thick black outline remains indefinitely on pinged objects after the ping has expired
- Addressed a reported concern that more than one player was unable to ping the same object
- Removed pings from players in cinematic mode
- Addressed a reported concern that thumbnail images were loaded each time an item is marked as trash or favorite
- Addressed a reported concern that the color menu would not function properly if a player selected a color right after using the Quick Change station
- [PC Only] Addressed a reported concern that the incorrect button prompts appeared in-game when using a PS4 controller on PC
- Addressed a reported concern that on-screen button prompts did not update properly when switching between controllers
- Addressed a reported concern that missions for the same DLC were divided into two different categories when sorting them in the mission log by Add-On Content
- Addressed a reported concern that no menu option or UI was present when disconnecting the network cable during matchmaking
ECHOcast Patch Notes
- Updated to support new items included in the April 23 Borderlands 3 patch
- Late joiners should now see more accurate donation timer during a Moxxtail event
Hotfix Notes
- Activated the Loot the Universe event on Pandora
Farm some Legendaries across the galaxy during Borderlands 3's Loot the Universe mini-events! This week, jump into Pandora until April 30 at 8:59 AM PT!
- Addressed a concern that DLC Legendary artifacts “The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge” and “Lunacy” were able to be used when the player did not own the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC
- Corrected a typo with the “CryptoSec Escort”
- Corrected a typo with Ascension’s Bluff when viewing an optional objective during Revenge of the Cartels
- Addressed a reported concern that Action Skills would sometimes stop functioning temporarily for the Operative when getting a Second Wind while the Action Skills were still active
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Soul Sap skills would sometimes target another playing in Fight for Your Life, rather than the player using the skill when missing health
- Added the Legendaries “Skullcrusher” and “Cockybastard” to the boss loot pools in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC
- Addressed a reported concern that the Stauros’ Burn Assault Rifle’s combust weapon effect was sometimes not triggering when breaking
- Addressed a reported concern that it was sometimes possible to use the Siren’s Phaseslam ability on the stairs leading to Joey’s arena and prevent them from flattening
- Addressed a reported concern that a black screen would sometimes appear for approximately 30 seconds when watching the end of the Katagawa Jr title card during “Atlas, At Last”
- Addressed a reported concern that exploding enemies would sometimes not die when self-destructing with the Buddy System Mayhem Modifier
- Addressed a reported concern that the General Winter description was sometimes not updating with the hotfix changes
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: April 9, 2020
As we mentioned during last week’s hotfix, we are continuing to work on improving the Gunner’s survivability and Iron Bear's viability in higher levels of Mayhem. This week brings another set of hotfixes to Moze’s skills based on our investigations. The below notes list the numbers as they will be changed on the skill descriptions.
- Explosive Punctuation: Increased the cooldown rate awarded to 8%
- Hammerdown Protocol: Increased the damage output to 600% and reduced the reload time
- Click, Click…: Increased damage bonus from 12/24/36% to 20/40/60%
- Specialist Bear: Increased the damage from +25% to +60%
Iron Bear Weapons
- Increased the base damage of the Salamander Flame Thrower
- Increased Chemical Warfare’s Melt Damage to 125%
- Increased the base damage of the Railgun
- Reduced Capacitive Armature’s damage reduction from -75% to -30%
- Reduced Corrosive Sabot Round’s damage reduction from -50% to -15%
- Increased Shockhammer’s Shock Damage to 60% of damage dealt
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: April 2, 2020
Adjustments for Moze, the Gunner:
We have been taking a closer at Moze the last few weeks. Here at the first set of hotfixes based on those investigations, primarily focused on improving her survivability. We will be further addressing some areas we identified as trouble spots for her in the future.
- Reduced the cooldown time for Iron Bear
- Increased the amount of fuel for Iron Bear
- Increased the bonus on “Behind the Iron Curtain” skill
- Increased the bonus on “Security Bear” skill
- Increased the bonus on “Experimental Munitions” skill
Weapon Balance:
- Increased weapon damage
Hyperion Weapon Shields
- Increased the amount of damage weapon shields absorb
The Lob
- Increased Fire Rate
- Reduced projectiles from 3 to 1
Tiggs Boom
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased damage from the Starfall meteors
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased Critical Damage Bonus
Good Juju
- Non-critical hits now increase Critical Damage Bonus by 20%. This bonus stacks 25 times and is removed upon manual reload.
Borderlands 3 Update and Hotfixes: March 26, 2020
Update Notes
New Content:
- Added support for Borderlands 3 campaign add-on: Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock
- Level Cap increase - New Max Level 57
Here it is! Two capstones, everyone! We’re excited to see what interesting new builds everyone creates with these additional skill points!
- 3 New Guardian Rank skills and Guardian Rank Increase
Here are the first 3 new Guardian Rank Perks! In the Enforcer tree we’ve added “C’mon and Slam,” allowing you to use the slam at any height. This should make slam gear a lot more interesting. For the Survivor Tree, you can now enable “Too Angry to Die,” allowing any damage you do to enemies in Fight For Your Life to slightly extend your down time. Finally, in the Hunter tree we added “Harmageddon,” where additional damage is done to enemies that have received multiple static effects.
- New campaign add-on Game Menus that will allow players to start the campaign add-on with an auto-leveled character
You can now immediately jump into new DLC content right from the menu! You’ll start the game with a character leveled up to where the DLC content would be unlocked, and you can start right in the new content.
- Support for the ECHOcast update and new Moxxtail Events
Viewers can show their appreciation for their favorite streamers with Moxxtail Events, which let you convert Twitch Bits into in-game beverages that provide the streamer with various limited-time buffs. We have a full explanation of how they work in our Moxxtail Events guide, so be sure to check that out if you want to dabble in some Borderlands 3 mixology.
- Addressed memory leaks that occasionally occurred on Split Screen join/leave
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur after spending a large amount of Guardian Tokens
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when quickly navigating Crazy Earl's shop
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur during the objective to collect tokens in the “Kill KillaVolt” mission in Lectra City
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur during the "Melee Mine Cart" objective of Angels and Speed Demons in Konrad's Hold
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when loading into Grand Opening in Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when transitioning from The Spendopticon to The Compactor in a four-player game in Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot
- Optimization improvements
- UI Optimizations
- Gear lower than level cap no longer drops when player and enemy characters are each at level cap
We saw the community feedback here and agreed that seeing gear below the level cap, when at the level cap, was not an ideal experience. Characters at max level should no longer receive gear at a level lower than their character through chests and drops from enemies that are also at the level cap.
- Added the ability start a campaign add-on with an auto leveled character
- Added support for more Guardian Rank perks
- Re-balanced game stage regions starting from about Act 2 on to better follow the player growth
Based on data and community feedback, we have adjusted the leveling experience post-Act 2 to better ensure that enemies are properly leveled to players as they move into the second half of the game. This change will only impact characters created after this patch is live.
- Addressed a reported concern that Anointed enemies would not always encase themselves in Eridium when dying
- Removed the status effects from Anointed enemies after they crystallize to prevent players from taking damage when shattering the crystal
- Addressed a reported concern that the beam attack from Graveward’s head would occasionally only do a little bit of damage
- Addressed a reported concern that enemies would sometimes not play their physical death actions if interrupted by animation actions
- Addressed an issue where The Mystery Cube in Desolation's Edge would sometimes no longer respawn when reloading the map
- Addressed a reported concern that Pappy and Pappy’s Jalopy would sometimes re-spawn when quitting the game after dying with Pappy's Jalopy during “The Feeble and the Furious” mission in Devil's Razor
- Addressed a reported concern where Tediore weapons with the sticky part modifier would sometimes disappear abruptly when bounced off of an interactive object
- Fixed an issue where the Bangarang XL bullet VFX would sometimes remain on the host's screen when thrown
- Changed the visuals when looking through the glass bottle scope of some COV Assault Rifles
- Shields that trigger effects while depleted, like Brawler Ward, can no longer be trigger multiple times while the game is paused
- Shields that trigger effects while full, like Commuter Re-Charger, can no longer be stacked when taking enough damage to deplete it in one hit
- Shields that project a shield while crouching will now properly destroy the projected shield when the shield is removed while active
- Addressed a reported concern that the Phasezerker class mod sometimes displayed temp text when rolled with 2 points in Conflux, 2 points in Clarity and 1 point in Anima
- Addressed a reported concern where players could sometimes see maps the host had not discovered yet when playing multiplayer
- Addressed a reported concern that mission-specific weapons could occasionally spawn at the host's level instead of the player in TVHM during multiplayer
- Addressed a reported concern that mission rewards would sometimes spawn at the host's level instead of the player's level in TVHM
- Added four specific dialog lines that can be played from the Main Menu, one for each character class
- Addressed a reported concern that incorrect subtitles would sometimes play when loading into maps after starting a new game
- Addressed a reported concern that mission weapons like Rogue-Sight could be mounted on the wall in the Players Quarters
- Addressed a reported concern where the Fast Travel Stations of the Zone challenge progress would sometimes not update properly after fast travelling to the Fast Travel in Meridian Outskirts
- Addressed a reported concern that the total number of Eridian Writings were sometimes displaying incorrectly
- Fixed an issue with duplicate loc text was sometimes not getting translated
- Fixed an issue where Eridium Jars would sometimes not replicate properly
- Addressed a reported concern where VoG from Tannis could appear improperly in certain situations
- Addressed a reported concern where VoG from Lilith could appear improperly in certain situations
- Addressed a reported where VoG from Lilith could sometimes appear white after she loses her powers
- Addressed a reported concern where the Galaxy Map would occasionally appear in the Minimap when closing the ECHO device
- Addressed a reported concern that players were sometimes not seeing Cryo status effects after entering FFYL with the Cryo effect active
- Addressed a reported concern that weapon skins would appear to revert to the default skin after opening the inventory again
- Addressed a reported concern that players could occasionally get stuck in character select when joining a host that is viewing the opening cinematic
- [Console Only] Added a limited pause menu for the primary player during splitscreen when the second player joins late in the intro cinematic
- [Console Only] Addressed an issue where two sets of subtitles would sometimes appear on-screen during cinematics in split-screen
- [Console Only] Addressed a reported concern with black lines sometimes appearing along the sides and bottom of the viewport on consoles
- [Console Only] Addressed a reported concern that the load character menu would sometimes fail to read save games for a splitscreen player if the controller was disconnected before they were added (which would cause the menu to spin for a long time)
- Nativized micropatches (older hotfixes are now in the game permanently)
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s “Find Your Center” skill does not grant a melee attack speed bonus to clients
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s “Phasegrasp” skill may not function if the player fires a Jakobs pistol immediately after triggering the skill
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s pet's gun would appear to float during cinematic scenes
- Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner’s “Stainless Steel Bear” skill would increase the fuel gauge but not award additional fuel
- Addressed a reported concern that the Beastmaster’s "Rakk Attack" skill would not gain a charge after getting a critical hit with the "Head Count" skill active
- Addressed a concern that the explosive base material would sometimes not render correctly
- Addressed a concern that the blue simulation FX from the missions “Head Case” or “Transaction-Packed” would sometimes remain on the screen when entering the Calibrate Display options menu
- Switched the sword slash material in Zer0’s title card with the correct one
- Addressed a concern that split-screen players would sometimes not see Zane's melee FX in third person
- Addressed a reported concern that the notification slide did not appear properly when taking a photo in the Inspect menu
- Addressed a reported concern that the Inner Dead Zone setting sometimes did not apply when viewing items in the inspection menu
- Addressed a reported concern that ECHO menu backdrop particles would sometimes appear during cinematic cutscenes if the ECHO menu was open before the cutscene started
- Addressed a reported concern that the 3D character model in the menu would sometimes persist in the world if the player paused while switching from the Skills to the Inventory menu
- Addressed a reported concern that the HDR calibration menu would sometimes become stuck on the screen if players accepted an invite while the menu was open
- Addressed a reported concern that details for a nearby player would sometimes be displayed when trying to select a fast travel station in the ECHO Zone Map
- Addressed a reported concern that some players were sometimes unable to select a custom waypoint when using Cycle Waypoint in the ECHO Zone Map
- Addressed a reported concern that a waypoint in the ECHO Zone Map was sometimes not displayed, and had no text, after the player quit and rejoined before taking the Eridium Fabricator from Typhon in the “Footsteps of Giants” mission in Desolation's Edge
- Addressed a reported concern that some players could sometimes lose functionality when opening the pause menu immediately before a cinematic played
- Addressed a reported concern that waypoints for all in-progress missions would could sometimes display on the ECHO Zone map
- Addressed a reported concern that the minimap would sometimes not be scaled properly after adjusting the graphics preference in the Visuals options menu
- Addressed a reported concern that the minimap would occasionally not display properly during multiplayer
- Addressed a reported concern when opening the map when a cutscene had been triggered
- Removed the current/max counts from the Unlocked Decorations menu
- Mission delivery menu is now properly closed when walking out of range of the mission giver
- Addressed a reported concern that an inspected item would sometimes spawn before the menu finished loading causing the inspect item to clip into the camera
- Addressed a reported concern that sometimes caused the warning icon and alarm to continuously play after dying from driving a vehicle into a boundary turret
- Addressed a reported concern where the Disable/Enable perk button text for Guardian Rank would sometimes not update properly when enabling or disabling a Guardian Rank perk for clients
- Addressed a reported concern where players were sometimes able to "disable" the skin and weapon unlocks slots in the Guardian Rank menu
- Addressed a reported concern that some mission objectives were sometimes showing up on the map when they should not
- Addressed a reported concern that mission waypoints associated with multiple missions could sometimes erroneously become active
- Addressed a reported concern where the client's UI would sometimes not update when the Gunner's “Salamander Thrower” element was changed
- Addressed a reported concern that player portraits were sometimes not loading properly when joining in as a secondary split screen user
- Addressed a reported concern that the player portraits were sometimes not displaying correctly after a client would quit to the main menu from the character select screen
- Mission experience and mission rewards now support level sync
- Addressed a concern that Claptrap would sometimes continue his chatter about being released from the magnet after already being released
- Addressed a reported blocker that could sometimes occur when the objective "Collect succulent skag meat" does not appear during the “Skag Dog Days” mission in The Droughts
- Addressed a reported blocker that could sometimes occur when the objective "Give batteries to Moxxi" does not complete during the “Kill Killavolt” mission
- Addressed a reported concern that the mission tracker was sometimes not present after fast travelling back to Sanctuary immediately after finishing the “Hostile Takeover” mission
- Addressed a reported concern that a waypoint was sometimes missing during the objective "Return to Maya" in the “Beneath the Meridian” mission in Vault of the Rampager
- Addressed a reported concern that a waypoint was sometimes missing when quitting during the "Kill grogs" objective of the “Swamp Bro” mission in Floodmoor Basin
- Addressed a reported blocker that could sometimes occur when quitting after collecting the Vault Key fragment during “The Family Jewel” mission in Voracious Canopy
- Unlocked jet booster and monster wheel parts for the Technical when completing missions "Blood Drive" and "Angels and Speed Demons", respectively. This fix is not retroactive, and an upcoming change will patch save games that have previously completed these missions to ensure that the character has unlocked these parts.
- Addressed a reported concern that a waypoint was sometimes missing for the “Kill Rakkman” mission
- Addressed a reported blocker that could sometimes occur when the user is able to reach and kill Mouthpiece early during the “Pandora's Next Top Mouthpiece” mission
- Addressed multiple reported concerns that could sometimes occur when returning to Sanctuary immediately after taking the Eridium Fabricator from Typhon during the “Footsteps of Giants” mission
- Addressed a reported blocker that could sometimes occur if the player stood in front of Tannis during the “In the Shadow of Starlight” mission
- Reworded the Rare Chest Beginning Event message to remind the streamer not to exit the level before the event completes
- Added a status menu section for ECHOcast
- Added DPS and number of Legendaries spawned to streaming stats
- Added a streaming tab in the Social menu
Hotfix Notes
- Addressed a reported crash in Slaughterstar 3000 that could occasionally occur when dying and respawning.
Hotfixes for Guns, Love, and Tentacles
In order to prevent confusion when players load up Guns, Love, and Tentacles, we’ve identified some potential issues and have been able to pre-emptively put out hotfixes related to them. Make sure that your hotfixes are applied to benefit from the weapon buffs and to prevent the following from occurring. Check that the “Hotfixes Applied” sign at the main menu is active before loading into the game.
Addressed a concern that creating a new game to skip to the add-on content would grant the players class mods they were unable to equip
Guns, Love, and Tentacles Weapon Adjustments:
- Reduced the change to spawn Skulls
- Increased Soul Render Damage
- Corrected the Item Description and Red Text to show in the correct area
- Increased Weapon Damage
SF Force
- Increased Weapon Damage
Serryul Killur
- Increased Weapon Damage
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: March 19, 2020
- Addressed a potential progression blocker from Typhon during “In the Shadow of Starlight”
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren’s Fist Over Matter skill was sometimes not working as intended if it was not in the hosts’ view
- Adjusted the collision at the stairs in Quietus Pike to prevent players from sometimes sinking into the ground after destroying the second vine door
- Changed the Operative’s Cool Hand skill description to show the correct values
- Addressed a reported concern that Tyreen would occasionally re-appear after the cutscene during “The Great Vault”
Borderlands 3 Update for Epic on PC: March 13, 2020
- The first time players launch Borderlands 3 after the update through Epic or Steam, they will be asked to choose a Gearbox Software SHiFT Display Name. This name is displayed in-game when playing with other players. You can change your display name at any point in the Account Details tab of the Social Menu.
- Added backend functionality for Gearbox Software SHiFT Matchmaking so players can play with both Epic and Steam users
- Added functionality to use the player’s SHiFT Display Name to find and join friends playing on PC regardless of platform
Menu Changes
- Added two new buttons to the Roster Tab of the Social Menu
- "Find SHiFT Friend" allows you to enter the exact SHiFT Display Name you’re looking for to add as a friend or block
- "Manage SHiFT Friends" allows you to view all current SHiFT friends and game invitations
- All friends will have an icon to indicate if they are a friend through Gearbox Software SHiFT or your PC platform (Epic or Steam)
- Added additional pages to the SHiFT tab of the Social Menu
- Redesigned the SHiFT Code and Reward History tabs
- Added a new Account Details tab to allow players to update their SHiFT Display Name (this will also update the player’s display name on forums.gearboxsoftware.com and on the Gearbox Software SHiFT website)
- Network & Social in the Options Menu now includes control options for PC Cross-Play functionality
- Added “Friend Sync” toggle to give players the option to sync friends from Epic and Steam to Gearbox Software SHiFT
- Added “PC Cross-Play” toggle to give players the option to be included in PC Cross-Play matchmaking pools (when toggled to “Off”, players will only be paired with other players on their current PC platform)
Note: Currently, players are still only able to send mail to players on the same platform. This will be changed in a future patch.
Additional Fixes
- Addressed a reported concern that scrolling functionality was sometimes not available in Vending Machines and item cards were sometimes not staying on the screen
- Added functionality when signing into SHiFT for “Forgot your Password?” to link to a new page
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: March 12, 2020
- Addressed a reported concern that was causing Typhon to sometimes be a potential blocker in “Shadow of Starlight”
- Addressed a reported concern that the Jabbermogwai was sometimes not dropping loot at the correct rate
We're looking to go over each of the Vault Hunters to identify any inconsistencies in gameplay. Some of these concerns will have to be addressed via patches, but for issues such as incorrect values being listed, we’re able to adjust in hotfixes.
- Removed the Gunner’s “General Winter” minigun damage penalty and Cryo penalty.
- Adjusted the Gunner's “Exploding. Bullets.” skill to match the current damage output, which was sometimes higher than stated on the skill description
- Addressed an issue with the Beastmaster’s “Furious Attack” skill where it was sometimes rounding its values and making the skill description and damage output appear inconsistent
- Addressed an issue with the Beastmaster’s “Hunter’s Eye” skill where the skill description was sometimes showing values from incorrect fields
Location Re-Balancing
This adjustment will only affect new characters as we continue to improve and balance progression. We'll first implement this change on Friday, March 13 for PC players on Steam and Epic; players on all other platforms (PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Stadia, and Mac) will receive these improvements in a patch coming later this month.
We found that new players were consistently entering certain areas over-leveled for the content they were playing. This occasionally trivialized those areas, as enemies were sometimes much weaker than intended for that point in the game. We also found that some side missions later in the game were largely ignored because of these balance irregularities. These balance changes bring the enemies up to the average level that we see players hitting in these locations.
- Various areas and side missions on Nekrotafeyo should now match the average level of players
- Enemies in The Anvil should now match the average level of players
- Addressed a reported concern that the “Boom” prefix was sometimes not receiving the buff from last week’s hotfix
- Increased weapon damage
The Garcia
- Increased the Fire Rate
- Increased the number of projectiles shot
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased the Damage Over Time amount
Hyperfocus XZ41
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased weapon damage
Nimble Jack
- Increased weapon damage
- Added 100% Bonus Critical Damage
- Increased weapon damage
One Pump Chump
- Increased weapon damage
Roisen's Thorns
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased weapon damage
- Adjusted the timing of when the three projectiles split to be sooner
- Increased the Extra Projectile Damage
Tankman’s Shield
- Increased the Maximum Damage Cap by 200%
- Increased the percent damage awarded per kill
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: March 5, 2020
- Addressed a reported concern that Moist Hand Luke and Grabby Gretchen would occasionally spawn inside of the wall during “Playing with Fire”
- Addressed a reported concern that Eridium jars in Atlas HQ were occasionally despawning when leaving the area
- Addressed a reported concern where characters could sometimes get stuck between a bush and the railing in The Spendopticon
- Addressed a reported concern where characters could sometimes get stuck between a Ratch nest and a tree near the beginning of the Market District
- Addressed a reported concern that players were sometimes able to escape the boss arena during the Trial of Cunning
- Addressed a reported concern that the “Like, Follow, Obey” skin was sometimes displaying corrupt textures on the Gunner
Vault Hunters:
This week, we took a look at some character skills that were occasionally not properly reporting what was happening in-game. For these instances, we have updated the description text to show the actual in-game values and removed an instance of a penalty that was not reported on its skill description.
- Addressed reported instances of the Gunner’s skill descriptions sometimes showing inaccurate values
- “Hell on Rails” skill description was occasionally showing +30% Fuel Drain instead of the actual +8%
- “Corrosive Sabot Round” skill description was occasionally showing -50% Railgun Damage and Fuel Drain instead of the actual -33%
- Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner’s “Active Tracking” skill was receiving a 50% penalty to damage per missile and ammo capacity that was not listed in the skill description. We have removed this penalty
- Fixed a typo with the Beastmaster’s “Furious Attack” skill in English
- Addressed a reported concern that Blood Cooled Jackbot’s beam attacks were bypassing the Operative’s barrier
We are also looking at some of our Legendary weapons to get them up to par as part of the impending release of Mayhem 2.0, one of the Spring 2020 content additions we discussed at PAX East.
Crader’s EM-P5
- Increased Critical Damage by 80% while airborne
- Increased amount of shotgun projectiles from 6 to 8
- Increased the reload time of the under-barrel shotgun (rate at which the under-barrel shotgun refills ammo)
- Increased weapon damage on both firing modes
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased number of projectiles per shot to 2
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased fire rate
- Increased weapon damage
- Increased weapon damage and the damage on the thrown projectile
- Increased weapon damage
Thunderball Fist
- Increased damage on the Initial Shot and the Thunderball
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: February 27, 2020
- Addressed a reported concern that players were sometimes able to bypass Trudy’s spawn trigger during “Kill KillaVolt”
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker during “All Bets Off” where enemies that were dropped in from a drop pod would sometimes not appear when the player left and returned to the area
- Included a stopgap fix to prevent a reported blocker due to enemies sometimes becoming stuck in unreachable locations in Cistern of Slaughter
This will be addressed further in a future patch, along with a change to Brood Mother’s spawn conditions.
- Addressed a reported concern that the "Should’ve Cashed Out" challenge was sometimes not progressing when killing Looters in the DLC area
- Adjusted Billy the Anointed’s behaviors so that they would not teleport as often during a fight, and increased the chance for them to drop Lead Sprinkler
- Addressed a reported concern that players could sometimes get stuck on top of a row of slot machines inside the second VIP room at Beggar’s Berth
- Increased damage of all DAHL Assault Rifles by 35%
The Lob
- Increased Magazine Size from 4 to 12
- Greatly increased damage per tick
- Now fires a burst shot of 3 magical orbs instead of 1
- Increased Critical Hit Damage by 100%
- Slightly reduced Vertical Recoil
Malak's Bane
- Greatly increased damage
- Reduced shotgun ammo cost from 4 to 2
Ruby's Wrath
- Greatly increased damage
- Greatly reduced the Cooldown of Singularity Grenade
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: February 20, 2020
- Addressed a potential exploit where players were sometimes able to open the Rare Chest in Slaughterstar 3000 when entering Iron Bear’s turret
- Addressed a reported concern that Oversphere enemies occasionally would not shoot with their optic lasers in True Vault Hunter Mode or Mayhem Mode
- Addressed a reported concern that placeholder swords were sometimes visible in Athenas
- Addressed a reported concern that the Fabricator was sometimes letting loot drop outside of the map
- Adjusted the balance for Tony Bordel and Petunia in Mayhem Mode
Borderlands 3 Update and Hotfixes: February 13, 2020
New Content
Broken Hearts Day Event
Maurice, your sentient Saurian shipmate on Sanctuary III, is continuing his study of humanity's customs, and has taken an interest in our strange courting rituals. To help him understand the emotional rollercoaster that is Broken Hearts Day, you'll need to blast the floating hearts that are popping up over baddies' heads all over the galaxy. Maurice will reward you with sweet Broken Hearts Day loot for your trouble, including two level 53 weapons: Terminal Polyaimorous and Wedding Invitation!
Event Toggle
For the Vault Hunter who already has everything, or prefers their gameplay to be more straightforward, you can now disable the Broken Hearts Day Event in the main menu. This highly requested feature will be included for all future seasonal events as well.
Skippable Cutscenes
With this patch, you can now skip all cutscenes in the game, whether you've seen the cutscene before or not, during solo play or by the host of your party during multiplayer! Simply press any key during the scene and you'll be prompted to confirm the skip.
Level Cap increased to 53
The level cap has been increased to 53, providing everyone with 3 more skill points to aim for! We are looking forward to seeing what interesting combinations the community finds with their additional skills and will have more to talk about in the future concerning level cap increases and character growth.
True Takedown Mode
We're introducing True Takedown Mode to the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite. As of this patch, there will be a way to re-enable the original version of the Takedown scaled to 4 players. Future Takedowns will also launch with both modes enabled.
The default setting keeps the Takedown scaled depending on how many people are in your party. To turn back on 4-player scaling, toggle the new switch to the right of the Takedown door.
Guardian Ranks
You are now able to turn off individual Guardian Ranks or the whole system! If there are any perks that aren't playing nice with your builds, you can now disable them! Furthermore, for those who want to enjoy a vanilla leveling experience, you have the ability to disable the entire system. This includes both stat bonuses and all perks.
When the patch goes live, the Guardian Rank system will be turned off by default, giving you a great opportunity to look through your perks to see if there's anything new you want to try! Note: while the Guardian Rank system is turned off, you will not be able to gain ranks.
With this patch, Stadia is now caught up to the other platforms! Stadia players can now access Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot, fight through Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, and take advantage of the QOL improvements that were included in previous patches.
- Addressed multiple reported crashes
- Addressed multiple reported memory crashes
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when updating the position of the dueling timer during a level transition
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when there is no player character while spectating in the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when hijacking a vehicle
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after extended hours of play
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Athenas
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Atlas HQ
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur in a multiplayer game in The Droughts
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when loading into a map when Campaign Matchmaking
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when elements react in bodies of water
- Addressed a reported freeze that could sometimes occur during garbage collection
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when using Iron Bear
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after respawning a vehicle and then using the CAR station before the vehicle spawns
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when holding both the left and right arrow keys while on the Skills tab of the ECHO menu on PC
- Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when quitting to desktop after another user disconnects during multiplayer on PC
- Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when a host selected Quit to Portal on Stadia
- Addressed a reported memory leak on map transitions
We are continuing to work on additional stability and performance updates for future patches.
- Implemented multiple performance optimizations
- Implemented multiple audio performance optimizations
- Addressed reported performance issues encountered when players are pushed by another user's vehicle
- Addressed a reported performance issue when fighting enemies at Lumberton Junction in Floodmoor Basin
- Addressed reported performance issues when scrolling through Guardian Rank Menu icons quickly
- Added weight to the Guardian Rank random reward selection to favor reward options with less tokens applied to them
- Addressed a reported concern that some missions were not awarding their cosmetic item rewards
- Players should now have the following mission rewards if they completed the associated missions:
- NOG Mask - Techincal NOGout in Meridian Outskirts
- Atlas Classic skin - Atlas, At Last
- Gilded Rage Jakobs skin - Cold as the Grave
- Signature Style CoV skin - The Great Vault
- Drop It Weapon Trinket - It's Alive
- Addressed a reported concern that players could be granted starting gear that was far beyond their level
- Addressed a reported concern that a player in spectator mode would occasionally lose functionality when the Takedown host fast traveled to a different map
- Addressed a reported concern that a Second Wind would occasionally reset the Takedown mission after players had failed the mission
- Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally respawning at the incorrect checkpoint in Meridian Outskirts
- Addressed a reported concern that the player character on the character select menu would be positioned incorrectly when a player late joins a multiplayer game on Skywell-27
- Addressed a reported concern that the weapon Tiggs Boom was spawning projectiles in the wrong location
- Increased the chance of Tiggs Boom to spawn a projectile
- Addressed a reported concern that Anointed Enforcer's shield would occasionally disappear and make the enemy appear vulnerable when they were not
- Addressed a reported concern that third-person healing effects could occasionally scale larger than intended
- Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally being teleported to random places during cutscenes when standing on specific spots in a map
- Addressed a reported concern that the incorrect icon was displayed when confirming in Japanese on PlayStation 4
- Addressed a reported concern that item cards would occasionally remain present on the screen after picking up an item
- Addressed a reported concern that videos could sometimes appear corrupt on Stadia
- Addressed a reported concern where certain key inputs would not be accepted properly on Stadia
- Addressed a reported concern that the joinable status of a game on Stadia could be inaccurate
- Addressed a reported concern with incorrect key glyphs showing when returning to the Main Menu on Stadia
- Nativized previous hotfixes
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker after entering Lectra City from another map after completing the "Collect Batteries" objective of "Kill KillaVolt"
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker that occasionally occurred during the "Return toppings to Tina" objective of "Hammerlocked"
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker that could sometimes occur after leaving and re-entering the map during the "Check dead drop" objective of "Going Rogue"
- Addressed a reported concern where dialog could be repeatedly triggered if the player loaded into another map while on the objective "Take alternate path" during "Footsteps of Giants" on Desolation's Edge
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker during the "Loot Vault" objective with Typhon during "Footsteps of Giants"
- Addressed a reported concern where a player with active missions could start a session with no tracked mission if their previously tracked mission could not be tracked
Hotfix Notes
- Addressed a reported concern that the "Emergency Response" perk was increasing Shield Recharge Delay, rather than decreasing it
- Addressed a reported concern that the crowd audio was sometimes coming from a separate location while chasing down Carnivora
- Added blockers to prevent players from occasionally escaping the map without dying when jumping off the edge of a cliff in Carnivora
- Addressed a reported concern that players could walk through a wall of rocks in Carnivora
- Added blockers to prevent players from escaping the map near the Apollyon Transit Station New-U in Neon Arterial
- Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner could sometimes get stuck in the second area of the Proving Grounds
- Addressed a reported concern that players could occasionally escape the Skag of Survival boss area in The Proving Grounds
- Addressed a reported concern that the Siren could escape the map while using the "Downfall" ability in Cistern of Slaughter and the Destroyer's Rift
- Addressed a reported concern that the final satellite dish would not appear for the player to destroy at certain distances during "Bad Reception"
- Addressed a reported concern that players were unable to break an Eridium crystal cluster in Ambermire
- Addressed a reported concern where aim assist was snapping aggressively on the center of an enemy when fighting the Blue Fire and Red Rain boss enemies during "Slaughterstar 3000"
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: January 30, 2020
- Increased the chance to receive Legendary loot from red car trunk chests
- Addressed a reported issue that the player could sometimes rise into the sky with the cannon during the "One Man's Treasure" mission in Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot
We've been looking at the feedback we received during the Scaling Event for Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite and have decided to make this Scaled event permanent starting today.
In a February update, we will include a new switch to re-enable what we call True Takedown Mode. True Takedown Mode will restore the Takedown to the 4-player experience that it launched with for extra difficulty. Once implemented, a lever activating True Takedown Mode will be located on the right side of the door leading out of the airlock at the beginning of the map.
Once the Farming Frenzy event is over, we are implementing a permanent change to the Rare Spawns and Drop Rates. After analyzing play patterns, we are permanently increasing the spawn rate for these enemies and have buffed their drop rates and their Anointed chance to be on par with bosses.
When the hotfixes roll out today before 3:00 PM PST, a new event will be activated! During the Rare Chest Riches Event, which runs until February 13 at 8:59am PST, all Rare Chests will drop rare loot at an increased rate, so you're more likely to receive Legendary items any time you open one. This increased drop rate will also apply when you watch a Twitch streamer open a Rare Chest, assuming both of you have the ECHOcast Twitch Extension enabled. Any rewards you score while watching streamers will be waiting for you in your in-game mailbox the next time you play Borderlands 3. In case you haven't done so already, click here for a step-by-step guide to linking your SHiFT and Twitch accounts so you can receive ECHOcast rewards. The Rare Chest Riches event will also apply to the Stadia version of Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: January 16, 2020
- Addressed a reported concern with itemcard and hotfix sometimes not showing information correctly
- Addressed a reported concern that Judge Hightower was sometimes not dropping items from his dedicated item pool
- Adjusted the balance of
Developer note – We noticed that the bosses in the Handsome Jackpot weren't providing players with a satisfying challenge. We'll be monitoring these bosses and make adjustments as needed in the future.
- The ION Cannon now has a 5 second reload and consumes at least 6 ammo per shot
The Ion Cannon is a strong weapon and we don't want to change that, but it's a little over performing. We've increased the reload time and made it consume more ammo but left its damage unchanged to still provide a strong burst of damage.
- Added collisions to prevent the Gunner from sometimes becoming stuck in Meridian Mercantile
- Added collisions to prevent players from sometimes escaping the map in various locations
- Increased the radius of the New-U station at The Arrogant Approach
Increased Anointment Effectiveness for the Operative, Gunner, and Beastmaster
In looking at the bonuses from Anointments, we felt that some were not providing enough of a bonus. We've increased the bonuses on the Anointments below.
Moze the Gunner
- While Auto Bear is active, deals 75% (from 20%) bonus incendiary damage
- After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 125% (from 40%) bonus incendiary damage
- After exiting Iron Bear, gain 160% (from 120%) increased Splash damage for 18 seconds
- When entering and exiting Iron Bear, nova damage increased
Zane the Operative
- While Barrier is active, Accuracy is increased by 60%, and Critical Hit damage is increased by 70% (from 30%)
- While SNTL is active, gain 100% (from 50%) of damage as bonus Cryo damage
FL4K the Beastmaster
- When exiting Fade Away, nova damage increased
- After using Rakk Attack!, gain 50% (from 25%) critical hit damage for a short time
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: January 9, 2020
- Addressed a reported concern that FL4K's Furious Attack was sometimes not applying bonuses to pet damage as expected
- Addressed a reported concern that Rakkcelerate was sometimes not applying the cooldown modifier as stated on the skill's description
- Addressed a reported concern that Cheap Tip's total weapon shield capacity was sometimes not appearing in the tooltip on the item card
- Addressed a reported concern that The Arbalest of Discipline was sometimes spawning with just shields
Anointed Enforcer
We found an issue where Anointed Enforcer's immunity abilities would sometimes cause them to be more difficult than intended. We have lowered their health temporarily as we investigate further and find a permanent solution.
- Temporarily lowered the health on Anointed Enforcer
Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
Thank you everyone for your patience as we work on the scaled Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite event. We were unable to bring it to you during New Years, but we are looking to start the event next week!
From January 16 to January 30, you'll be able to look forward to a slightly easier Takedown as you aim to grab as much of that loot as you can! If you've wanted to experience Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite but were having a hard time making progress or finding a party, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in and wreak havoc on Maliwan's most elite soldiers and robots. After January 30, we're bringing the event back up to its intended difficulty level.
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: December 19, 2019
Matchmaking Improvements
We've made some changes to the backend to improve the matchmaking experience in Borderlands 3. We've also moved the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite matchmaking option in the Social panel forward. The Takedown matchmaking service now won't transition players into the Takedown until a full party of four players have been found. We believe players would prefer matchmaking take a little longer in order to enter the Takedown with a full party. We'll be monitoring this change and will adjust as necessary.
- Decreased the shields and armor on Maliwan Deathspheres in the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
The recent patch improved the navigation of the Deathspheres in the Takedown. As a result, these enemies have become much more difficult to track and hit. To balance this change, we are lowering their armor and shield values.
- Addressed a reported concern that Terror was sometimes not dropping his loot when re-running Agonizer 9000
- Addressed a reported concern where loot could sometimes fall through the floor surrounding the Agonizer 9000
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker where enemies would sometimes not spawn immediately for the objective "Kill Traitors" in the mission "Porta Prison"
- Addressed a reported concern that Zane's "Trick of the Light" skill was sometimes reporting lower bonus damage values in its description than what it was awarding
- Addressed a reported concern that Moze's "Desperate Measures" skill sometimes wasn't awarding the damage bonus to Iron Bear's Right Gun
Borderlands 3 Update: December 12, 2019
Update Notes
New Content
Added support for Borderlands 3 DLC: Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot. Live on December 19.
- Addressed a reported concern related to the Grenade Indicator widget
- Addressed a reported concern related to the Minimap widget
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when exiting the ECHO menu
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when a user attempted to load int the game after experiencing a network error
- [Console] Fixed a rare crash that sometimes occurred in split screen when players leave the party
- Fixed a rare crash that sometimes occurred after idling for ten minutes
- [Xbox] Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in split screen on Xbox One
- [PC] Improved network performance on PC to prevent hitching related to friends or networked games
- Improved Inventory Menu performance
- Improved performance when opening Guardian Rank Menu
- [PC] Added support to immediately swap between glyph types when using Auto-Detect
- Added numbered icons to the Mayhem Mode icon on the HUD
- Added missing Japanese characters
- Addressed an issue where all functionality could sometimes be lost when pressing the Options button within the Mode menu before starting a game
- Addressed an issue where Mayhem Mode icons on the HUD would sometimes become inconsistent when adjusting difficulty
- Addressed an issue where thumbnails and locked state could sometimes become incorrect when viewed in the inventory menu
- Addressed an issue where vending machine thumbnails could sometimes be incorrect
- Addressed an issue where the Photo Mode settings could sometimes scroll off the screen
- [PC] Addressed an issue where the PC text chat UI would sometimes disappear after being opened for the second time during a cinematic
- Addressed an issue where Friend Profile icons were sometimes not showing up correctly on the ECHO menu
- Addressed an issue where the character icon sometimes failed to be present when viewing the Friends Mail prompt in the Mail Menu
- Addressed an issue where clients could sometimes lose functionality when opening the ECHO menu after exiting a vehicle
- [Console] Addressed an issue where item cards would sometimes appear cut off when viewing items in chests in split screen
- [Console] Addressed issue where small item cards would sometimes be displayed on the wrong player's screen in split screen
- Addressed an issue where clients who late joined the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite would sometimes not have Spectator Mode button prompts
- Addressed an issue where performance could sometimes be negatively impacted by pressing inputs from two different sources while spectating during the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
- Addressed an issue where primary and secondary stats could sometimes overlap on Legendary Artifact item cards
- Addressed an issue where multiple notifications were sometimes being triggered after having completed a Challenge
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker that sometimes occurred if the player jumped before Chadd did during the mission "Swamp Bro"
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker where the objective "Kill Ratch" sometimes wouldn't update during the mission "The Family Jewel"
- Addressed a perceived progression blocker during the mission "In the Shadow of the Starlight"
- Addressed perceived progression blockers related to traveling between environments on Promethea
- Addressed a reported concern where waypoints would sometimes fail to appear when obtaining a mission for an environment that hadn't been unlocked yet
- Addressed a reported concern where players were sometimes unable to complete Fast Travel Station Zone Progress when exploring Cathedral of the Twin Gods
- Addressed multiple issues with ECHO dialog not playing
- Updated weapons wielded by CoV Badass enemies to use bullet-based variations to cut down on FX spam
- Fixed a reported concern where Guardian Rank Perks would sometimes be disabled for users that had already unlocked them
- Addressed a reported concern where enemies would sometimes deal excessive damage to vehicles in True Vault Hunter Mode
- Addressed a reported concern where the Spiderant King enemy sometimes failed to launch the sticky projectile from his tail when performing a Web Pull attack
- Addressed a reported concern that enemies might not spawn from Warp Anchors and Dropships
- Addressed a reported concern that Zane's "Quick Breather" skill was sometimes not functioning
- Addressed a reported concern that Zane's "Schadenfreude" skill would sometimes not award the player Shield restoration
- Addressed a reported concern that Zane's "Praemunitus" skill would sometimes not award the proper size clip on the first clip of the weapon the Digiclone is spawned with
- Addressed a reported concern that Moze's "Stainless Steel Bear" skill would sometimes not award the damage bonus to Iron Bear
- Addressed a reported concern that Moze would occasionally be ejected from Iron Bear immediately after entering it
- Addressed a reported concern what a client's camera would sometimes occasionally stutter and lose functionality after performing Amara's "Downfall" skill into a kill volume
- Addressed a reported concern that Amara's "Indiscriminate" skill could sometimes create lots of ricochet bullets when firing the Legendary Maliwan Shotgun "Recursion"
- Addressed a reported concern where "Invulnerable" shields would sometimes fail to block rounds fired from the Legendary Maliwan Shotgun "Recursion"
- Added functionality to skip the intro movie once the video has fully loaded
- Added vending machines to Skywell-27
- Disabled access to Photo Mode during Fight for Your Life
- Changed the default send mail error message to encompass additional issues
- [PC] Adjusted volume and attenuation to bring music volume up while playing in HiFi mode on PC
- Crew Quarter Room decorations now correctly use the rotation of the hook
- Optimized Challenges to prevent hitching when saving
- Optimized Challenge Completion percentage computation to occur over multiple frames to prevent hitching
- Fixed a reported concern where save game could sometimes get bloated with duplicate Challenge data
- Fixed a reported concern where save game data could sometimes have a minor leak
- Fixed a reported concern where the game would not start up in correct resolution sometimes when using Fullscreen mode and display scaling
- Fixed a reported concern where the player could sometimes remain invisible after respawning
- Fixed a reported concern where clients would sometimes not see Sanctuary III Fast Travel Stations until they were already in the map
- Fixed a reported concern where the D-Pad would sometimes not change selections in the Sanctuary III Fast Travel list
- Fixed a reported concern where clients might not unlock Fast Travel Stations after using the Fast-Forward feature
- Fixed a reported concern where environments could sometimes appear unnaturally bright due Time of Day errors
- Fixed a reported concern where vehicle boost FX could sometimes appear black
- Fixed a typo for the spelling of the "IMMUNE" text pop in German
- Fixed a reported concern where some strings for the Key Binding Menu were not localized
- Fixed a reported concern where the Badass Event icon could sometimes show up when the event had been deactivated when using the ECHOcast Twitch Extension
- Fixed a reported concern where Cryo destructible pose sometimes did not match character when in ragdoll
- [Console] Fixed a reported concern where the Custom Waypoint hint text would sometimes appear in the Zone Map in non-current environments on consoles
- [Console] Fixed a reported concern where Photo Mode filters sometimes weren't working properly with HDR
- [Console] Fixed a reported concern where Vault Hunter profile cards sometimes didn't pull from local data for split screen players, causing a mismatch in presentation
- Fixed a reported concern where the client would sometimes see an unresponsive black screen after accepting an invite during the intro movie
- [PC] Fixed a reported concern where the Vault Hunter profile cards on Epic Game Store were sometimes not showing correctly
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: December 5, 2019
- Addressed a reported issue where loot was sometimes falling into an unreachable area in Slaughterstar 3000
- Addressed a reported issue where the movement speed bonus with Amara's passive ability "Mindfulness" when buffed with Spiritual Driver class mod was sometimes extremely high
Mindfulness was designed with the intent that reaching maximum stacks was not easily achievable so the bonus per grade was high. We want players to take advantage of move speed but not to the extent where parts of the game may not function correctly.
- Addressed a reported issue with the Spiritual Driver class mod where it was sometimes awarding damage for all types of damage and not just gun damage
- Decreased pet audio so FL4K's Jabber would be less vocal
- Zane's passive ability "Death Follows Close" fails to bring correct bonus to several kill skills after unlocking this ability in Skills menu
- Addressed a reported issue where Zane's passive ability "Nerves of Steel" would sometimes lose functionality after fast traveling
- Fixed typos on Desperate Measures and Stainless Steel Bear skills
- Fixed multiple spots where players were sometimes able to escape the map in Skywell-27
- Fixed multiple spots where players would sometimes get stuck in Ambermire
- Fixed various areas in Septic Sluice and Green Diamond Platform that allowed players to reach unintended areas
- Fixed various areas on Pandora that sometimes allowed players to escape the map
- Fixed a reported issue where some players could not hear the flaming skulls from Billy, the Anointed
- Fixed a reported issue where Brick's sledgehammer sometimes continued to spin after being thrown at an enemy during the mission "Hammerlocked"
Hotfixes generally address smaller things, while patches contain code that must go through a lengthier patch process. The next patch will be coming later this month and will contain the first DLC, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot! It will also address reported concerns that we have seen in the last patch, including Guardian Rank and additional vending machines in Skywell-27.
Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot will be available to players on December 19 who have purchased the Season Pass or the Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition.
At the end of the month, look forward to spending the new year with Maliwan in Borderlands 3! In a time-limited event, the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite will be scaled depending on the number of players in your party. You'll be able to play solo or with a party of any size to score all that sweet Takedown loot!
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: November 26, 2019
- Addressed a reported concern where The Butcher could occasionally experience excessive recoil
Borderlands 3 Update and Hotfixes: November 21, 2019
Update Notes
New Content:
Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
Lorelei has recruited the Vault Hunters to destroy a top-secret weapon Maliwan has been developing at their Blacksite. You and your squad should prepare for an extreme challenge because this content is balanced for four players at level 50. You can gain access to the Blacksite via a mission found on Sanctuary III after completing the main campaign with that character.
Takedowns feature special rules not found in the rest of the game! Respawning is disabled, so make sure you and your co-op partners get Second Wind or you'll spectate until the team wipes. If you do die, you're not out permanently! Die during the first half, you'll get to rejoin your team if they defeat the Valkyrie Squad. If you're out the second half, but your team manages to defeat Wotan The Invincible, you'll get to respawn to enjoy the rewards you didn't completely earn!
Make sure your squad is in the session before you throw the switch inside the Air Lock, or anyone who joins after the switch is thrown joins as a spectator!
Mayhem 4
Mayhem 4 is here for players looking for the toughest challenge in the game! Mayhem 4 adds another increase to enemy health, increases the loot drop chances, and adds a set of new Legendaries! Because the health value greatly increased, Mayhem 4 also slightly adjusts the random modifier system. Mayhem 4 will only roll one positive modifier for the player and one enemy bonus modifier. We want players to try different builds without severely hampering their ability to take down enemies in Mayhem 4. Note that Mayhem 1-3 are unchanged.
In addition to increasing enemy health and adjusting the modifiers, Mayhem 4 contains new Legendary weapons and class mods for players to hunt. These new pieces of gear will contribute to new builds and new ways to kill enemies!
To support Mayhem 4, we changed the Mayhem station slightly. Players will activate Mayhem through the center pillar and increase or decrease Mayhem levels by using the pillars on each side. Looking forward, we will monitor the challenge of Mayhem 4 closely. We're working hard on Mayhem 2.0, which will add brand new gameplay additions to Mayhem Mode in the future. Until then, we hope you enjoy the challenge and new loot!
Bank Expansion
All characters now begin the game with 20 bank slots instead of 10. The existing Bank SDUs will give everyone a total of 100 available spaces. An additional 10 Bank SDUs are available to purchase in Marcus's shop on Sanctuary III using the in-game cash currency, each awarding 20 spaces, for a grand total of 300 total bank spaces!
Dedicated Loot Pools for Bosses
All bosses have been updated with new loot pools that give them dedicated Legendary items to drop. Players can now discovery which bosses drop their favorite gear and more easily farm their favorite items. Let the hunt begin!
Additional Vending Machines
The following environments have received additional vending machines. They can typically be found before bosses or the mid waypoint in larger environments:
- Athenas
- Atlas HQ
- Lectra City
- Jakobs Estate
- Voracious Canopy
- Tazendeer Ruins
- The Pyre of Stars
Target Dummy
Players can take out their aggression, or test their gear, on a Handsome Jack target inside the shooting range on Sanctuary III.
End Game Character Balance
For this patch, we adjusted many passives involving companions such as Iron Bear, Digi-Clone, and FL4K pets in general. We wanted to increase their viability for later levels of Mayhem while also targeting some passives that were underperforming compared to some others. Iron Bear saw increases to the base scaling and additional bonuses were added through passives and augments. We allowed some of Zane's kill-skill bonuses to stack up to two times, increasing their output under certain conditions. FL4K pets also saw some increases over level to their damage so that they didn't feel underpowered for Mayhem Mode. We are currently happy with the variety of Amara's builds, but we are always monitoring feedback and will adjust if necessary.
- Iron Bear Damage increased per level, to a total of just under 150% at max level
- Desperate Measures now gives Iron Bear the bonus too
- Experimental Munitions - Iron Bear also deals bonus fire damage on critical hits
- Scorching RPM's also grants increased Hard Point damage by 5% per level
- Vampyr - When Iron Bear deals area damage, Iron Bear receives half the healing bonus
- Iron Bear now launches barrels when the player melees them
- Increased Iron Bear Bubble Shield from 20% to 50% of Moze's health
- SNTL damage scale increased by 2% per level
- Donnybrook, Pocket Full of Grenades, Cool Hand, Violent Violence, and Violent Speed bonuses now stack twice
- Fixed Violent Momentum to scale more at higher movement speeds
- Best Served Cold radius and damage increased by 2% per level
- Confident Confidence increased max weapon damage bonus from 20% to 35%
- Changed Trick of the Light element to Cryo and increased bonus from 18% to 36%
- Borrowed Time duration increased from 15% to 30% per active skill
- Double Barrel's bonus increased from 20% to 25%
- Quick Breather now restores 50% of the clone's health after a swap
- Pocket Full of Grenades bonus slightly decreased from 6.5% to 5% as it now stacks
- Violent Violence bonus slightly decreased from 4% to 3% as it now stacks
- Ambush Predator now has a HUD Icon when the buff is active
- Increased the pet damage to scale 10/5% per level instead of 9%
- Added pet damage to Grim Harvest at 7% per level
- Added pet damage to The Most Dangerous Game at 9% per level
- Added pet damage to Interplanetary Stalker at 1% per stack, per level
- Added pet damage to Furious Attack at 0.6% per stack
- Added pet damage to The Fast and the Furryous at 10% per level
- Lick the Wounds gained a pet damage buff after reviving the player
- Increased pet damage for Psycho Head on a Stick from 10% to 20%
- Increased damage in Pack Tactics from 5% to 7% per level
- Adjusted Megavore to not reward critical hit bonuses when receiving damage from self-damage
- Fixed multiple crashes that occasionally occurred when interacting with the ECHO menu
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred after quitting to the main menu multiple times
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred when transitioning to Athenas during a 4-player multiplayer session
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred when Iron Bear was destroyed
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred when entering or exiting Iron Bear
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred while in heavy combat with Varkids
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred in networked games
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred when split screen party joins another game during Marcus intro
- Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred when a split screen user quit to the Main Menu
- Fixed a rare crash that occasionally occurred when dropping a piece of gear on PC
- Fixed a rare crash that occasionally occurred after 3 clients joined the host
- Fixed a rare crash that occasionally occurred when destructible environmental art took damage
- Fixed a rare crash that occasionally occurred when a client transitioned to Desolation's Edge
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when entering Fade Away
- Fixed a rare crash related to the Time of Day of an environment
- Fixed a rare crash that occasionally occurred as a result of improper text fields
- Fixed a crash related to the Minimap Widget
- Fixed multiple crashes that occasionally occurred when players fast traveled
- Fixed a reported issue that prevent the application from terminating properly
- Fixed a reported issue where the news widget would hang indefinitely
- Disabled the benchmark feature when in a coop group
- Improved overall performance in menus
Note: we are still working on additional performance updates that will be implemented in future updates.
- Improved performance of bank
- [PlayStation 4 Only] Fixed a reported issue that prevented some players from marking items as Junk or Favorite on PlayStation 4
- Addressed a reported issue where sorting the inventory by type sometimes sorted the inventory by score
- Added 'Sort By Rarity' to Bank, Inventory, Item Trading and Vending Machine Selling
- Clients now receive an indication of why their travel attempt failed
- Updated names in the credits
- Addressed a reported issue where corrupted characters were sometimes displayed for some Fast Travel Stations in Japanese and Simplified Chinese
- Addressed a reported issue where characters were sometimes displayed in the incorrect direction for some Fast Travel Stations and Level Transitions in Traditional Chinese
- Addressed a reported issue where comparing class mods sometimes displayed the incorrect icons on the abbreviated item cards
- Addressed a reported issue where items slots could sometimes overlap when viewing player storage
- Addressed a reported issue where the travel countdown timer could sometimes be interrupted by opening the chat window
- [PC Only] Addressed a reported issue where occasionally mouse input could be lost
- Addressed a reported issue where Item Cards at the beginning of the game didn't display
- Addressed a reported issue where missions were sometimes not sorting correctly in the Mission Log
- Addressed a reported issue where the friends list could occasionally be too long for split screen
- Addressed a reported issue where a player could sometimes lose their HUD in split screen
- Addressed a reported issue where the info panel briefly displayed when looking at Planet Challenges
- Addressed a reported issue where players could sometimes be sent to the wrong location when selecting a destination quickly in the Map
- Addressed a rare issue where a dialog box could not be dismissed
- Addressed a reported issue that could sometimes cause NPCs to get stuck during a teleport
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where an NPC leading the player could sometimes break if one of the players left the game
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Lilith could sometimes become stuck during the mission "From the Ground Up"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker that occasionally occurred when two players tried to accept the quest item at the same time from the slot machine during the mission "Sanctuary"
- Addressed a few reported progression blockers that occasionally occurred when travelling to another map and back during the mission "Sanctuary"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Lorelei's cyclone could sometimes be lost after players enter and exit the menu during the mission "Hostile Takeover"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where the door into KillaVolt's arena sometimes wouldn't open during the mission "Kill KillaVolt"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where an Amber Lamps bot could sometimes spawn during the mission "Dynasty Diner" and leave the combat area
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Bloodshine's sister could sometimes not spawn during the mission "Proof of Wife"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Rhys-Ball could sometimes become stuck during the mission "Space Laser Tag"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Brick could sometimes become stuck in a concrete block during the mission "Hammerlocked"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Tina sometimes couldn't be spoken to during the mission "Hammerlocked"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Billy, The Anointed would sometimes disappear during the mission "Lair of the Harpy"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where split screen clients could sometimes not progress the objective "Equip Black Flame" during the mission "Witch's Brew"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Balex could sometimes stop pathing during the mission "The Family Jewel"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Tannis sometimes couldn't be spoke to during the mission "The Great Vault"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker where Tannis sometimes wouldn't interact with a critical mission objective during the mission "In the Shadow of Starlight"
- Addressed a reported progression blocker issue where a Tink could sometimes jump outside the barrier during the mission "Trial of Fervor"
- Addressed a few reported progression blockers during the mission "The Trial of Survival"
- Rare, Hunt, and Bounty Enemies now always match the players level
- Made adjustment to default zoom speed for gamepad
- Mayhem Mods that cancel each other out can no longer be active at the same time
- Shields that start regenerating immediately after depleting now properly trigger Not Depleted events.
- Moze is no longer able to infinitely stack the damage, health, and shield regen buffs of the Brawler Ward Legendary shield after equipping the Bloodletter Class Mod.
- Rough Rider shield properly triggers depleted augments when equipped
- Addressed a reported issue where certain shields could provide buffs to players even when not equipped
- Players can no longer stack the health regeneration buff of the Brawler Ward Legendary shield on another shield when repeatedly equipping and unequipping the Brawler Ward shield in Inventory.
- Addressed a reported issue where class mods and artifacts were sometimes accumulating action skill cooldowns when respeccing
- Addressed a reported issue where Hellwalker anointed parts could sometimes be incorrectly weighted
- Addressed a reported issue that sometimes prevented the Zane's barrier from blocking E-Tech weapon projectiles
- Addressed a reported issue where FL4K's pets could sometimes be frozen without showing any of the effects of being frozen
- Addressed a reported issue where the Action Skill cooldown timer for FL4K's Gamma Burst could sometimes stack cooldowns when players revived or spawned a pet each time
- Addressed a reported issue where the skill augment Active Tracking for Moze sometimes didn't target enemies in turrets
- Addressed a reported issue where the Mayhem Modifier sometimes failed to affect Eridium gained
- Addressed a reported issue where parts of The Anvil were sometimes not properly balanced
- Addressed a reported issue where the Mother of Dragons sometimes wouldn't drop her loot
- Addressed a reported issue where Rare Spawn enemies might not have spawned during a mission if players had already defeated that enemy during that session
- Addressed a reported issue where loot sometimes wouldn't spawn after players had found all Eridian Writings
- DX12 is now the default Graphics API on Windows 10 for users with AMD video cards
- Added support for future types of hotfixes
- Added Spectator mode for Takedowns
- Explosion effects now dissipate faster
- Bullet tracers passing through Zane's shield are more transparent
- Improved the general audio performance and memory usage
- Save games triggered by money or changes in the inventory have been throttled
- Addressed a reported issue where save files had the potential to be deleted after the game crashed in the middle of saving
- Addressed a reported issue where Guardian Rank and tokens could potentially be lost
- Addressed a reported issue where equipped weapon skins were sometimes not properly displayed
- Addressed a reported issue where ECHO themes were sometimes not displayer properly for co-op players
- Addressed a reported issue where Clay and Wainwright Jakobs would sometimes not appear properly in their Title Cards
- Addressed a reported issue where a Boundary Turret in Floodmoor Basin would sometimes not detect Iron Bear
- Addressed a reported issue where Iron Bear could sometimes fall through the platform during the Graveward fight
- Addressed a reported issue where players would sometimes load into Tazendeer Ruins facing the wrong direction
- Addressed a reported issue where players could sometimes become invulnerable when swapping artifacts
- Addressed a reported issue where Rakk could sometimes get stuck behind geometry in The Cistern of Slaughter
- Addressed a reported issue where players could rejoin the arena in The Cistern of Slaughter after dying
- Addressed a reported issue where Depth of Field would sometimes not work properly in split screen
- Addressed a reported issue where the player's shield bar could sometimes disappear from the HUD
- Addressed a reported issue where the Vault Symbol on loading screens sometimes appeared incorrectly on consoles
- Addressed a reported issue where events would occasionally not work properly if ECHOcast was not enabled before loading into a map
- Addressed multiple issues with Badass Events not spawning in certain maps for the Twitch ECHOcast extension
- Addressed a reported issue that prevented stats from sometimes properly incrementing while in vehicles
- Addressed a reported issue where Service Bots audio would sometimes ignore acoustic data
- Addressed a reported issue where player characters would sometimes call out health vials when already at max health
- Addressed multiple issues where audio was sometimes muffled or lost
- Addressed multiple issues where players would sometimes lose gravity permanently
- Edit group hint is now hidden when input is not available
Hotfix Notes
Hotfixes are separate from the update and applied at the main menu when Borderlands 3 is connected to the internet. Unlike updates, hotfixes are not permanent—they are temporarily stored in memory during the game session and lost upon exiting Borderlands 3. To ensure that you receive hotfixes, make sure that your system is connected to the internet when Borderlands 3 boots up and hang out on the Menu screen until you see the background change (right now, you're looking for pumpkins)!
- Addressed a reported concern that the Legendary Maliwan "Recursion" ricochets sometimes failed to target ghosts
- Adjusted Rampager's item pool to allow for specific Legendaries to drop
- Addressed a reported concern that "Boom Sickle" sometimes showed incorrect part text.
We still have a lot of things that we're working on, including additional performance and stability updates, Mayhem updates and 2.0, skippable cinematics, and more. As always, we appreciate the feedback and support we've seen from the community. If you experience any issues with Borderlands 3 or today's patch, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: November 14, 2019
- Addressed a reported concern that players would experience their screen shaking while in a party when one player used Bear Fist
- Addressed a reported concern with duplicated audio when Maya turns on the music in "Beneath the Meridian" when playing in a party
- Addressed a reported concern where players couldn't hear Aurelia's Holographic Doorbell answer the door
- Addressed a reported concern where some players were missing the waypoint when quitting out of the map or performing a save and load during the "Bad Reception" side mission
- Addressed a reported concern that the portal in Destroyer's Rift disappears after completing the mission "Divine Retribution"
- Addressed a reported concern that the Eridian structures were not resetting after player death during the Tyreen boss fight
Bloody Harvest
The Spooky Season is starting to fade from Borderlands 3! Starting with this hotfix, you'll start seeing less Haunted enemies until the event ends on December 5!
- Lowered the chance to see Haunted enemies outside of Heck.
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: November 7, 2019
Bloody Harvest Adjustments
Captain Haunt is a fun boss fight with multiple phases, but players were often skipping entire phases because Captain Haunt's shields were so low. We increased his shields to make the fight slightly more engaging for most players and dramatically increased the loot drop chance, so players are compensated nicely for defeating Captain Haunt.
- Increased Captain Haunt's chance to drop legendary gear
- Increased Captain Haunt's shields
- The Hecktoplasm drop rate from Ghosts has been increased
- Ghosts drop 2 Hecktoplasm
- Badass Ghosts drop 3 Hecktoplasm
- Loot Ghosts drop 5 Hecktoplasm
- Loot Ghosts now drop more loot
- Loot Ghosts have an increased the chance of dropping Bloody Harvest specific legendary gear
Terror Anointments
Following what we’ve seen and heard from the Community and the fading Halloween season, you’re going to start seeing less Terror anointed parts dropping from regular enemies. Bloody Harvest enemies (including Ghosts!) will be picking up the slack, so if you are hunting to make a spooky build you know where to look!
- The chance for Terror anointed parts to drop from regular enemies has been decreased.
- The chance for Terror anointed parts to drop from Bloody Harvest enemies has been increased.
- Anointed enemies are no longer immune to Cryo damage.
Note: Although they can be slowed by Cryo damage, they cannot be frozen.
- Addressed a reported potential progression blocker for "It's Alive" with the Abomination bot.
- Addressed a reported potential progression blocker if players quit the game at a certain point in "The Guns of Reliance"
- Addressed a reported issue that Explosive Gunpowder barrels where not showing effects when shot.
- Explosions created by enemy Badass' weapons have a much quicker explosion effect to reduce screen clutter
We found that Badass enemies with heavy weapons were creating too many explosion effects that lingered on the screen, hindering the player's view at times. We are going to make a larger change to their weapons in the patch but wanted to shorten the explosion particle effect to dramatically lower screen clutter.
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 31, 2019
- Addressed reported collision issues in various maps
- Raised the Eridian chest out of the dirt near The Terradome
- Made a modification to prevent certain players from escaping out of the Slaughter Shaft
- Addressed a potential progression blocker for "Footsteps of Giants" mission when fast traveling to a vehicle
- Removed an incorrect text description for the Legendary Sniper Rifle Stalker
No change has been made to the gameplay of the gun, only the text has been removed.
- Addressed a potential progression blocker during the "On the BloodPath" mission
- Addressed a reported concern that Emperor Spiderants were causing the screen to shake infinitely
- Addressed a reported concern where Rachael the Anointed's beam attack was not properly visible on all settings
- Addressed a reported concern that Troy was not spawning with his pistol
- Fixed a typo on mission text for "Blood Harvest: The Rebloodening"
Weapon fixes
Tediore E-Tech Shotguns were set to the wrong value and were corrected, resulting in a damage increase for all Tediore E-Tech Shotguns.
- Tediore E-Tech Shotgun Damage increased by 50%
Bloody Harvest – Happy Halloween!
As you play Borderlands 3 today, you'll notice it's even spookier! Haunted enemies are everywhere!
For TODAY, October 31 ONLY – You will see a drastic increase in the number of Haunted enemies!
It's a great day to work on those Bloody Harvest challenges, Vault Hunters! After today, the rates will go back to their normal values. In the coming weeks, you will start seeing more standard Anointments on your gear as the spooky season begins to fade from Borderlands 3.
Anniversary Event
We hope you all enjoyed the Mayhem on Twitch Anniversary event! After listening to community feedback during the event, we are making two changes to Mayhem Mode:
The chance of receiving a weapon penalty as a Mayhem modifier will continue to be reduced at the same rate as the Mayhem on Twitch Week.
The drop rate for Anointed gear has been increased.
Marking Gear as Trash/Favorite on PS4
After downloading last week's patch, some players on PS4 reported that they were unable to mark their guns as trash or favorite while in the inventory menu. We are working on fix for this and intend to implement it in the next patch.
Turning Off Guardian Rank
We have heard that some of you would like the option to turn off Guardian Rank. We're currently looking into how that can be achieved and intend to be able to provide more information in the future!
As always, if you experience any issues, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com. We're listening to your concerns and look forward to seeing everyone's feedback from this week.
Borderlands 3 Update and Hotfixes: October 24, 2019
Update Notes
Added Support for Bloody Harvest, the free Limited Time Event starting on October 24 and ending December 5.
During the event, the Main Menu will now become spooky when the micropatch has loaded and the event content is available
- Fixed a report bug resulting in a crash while loading into maps
- Fixed a reported audio crash bug
- Fixed a reported crash that occurred for certain users when level transitioning immediately after throwing a longbow grenade
- Fixed a reported rare crash that occurred for certain users after completing missions
- Fixed a reported crash that occurred for certain users when swapping an equipped weapon
- Fixed a reported crash that occurred for certain users when sorting the Mission Log by region
- [Consoles Only] Mayhem mode is now available in True Vault Hunter Mode on Consoles
- [Consoles Only] Added Photo Mode support for Consoles
- [Consoles Only] Added ECHOcast Twitch Extension support for Consoles
- Added new Vault Hunter customizations and trinkets
- Added ability to specify Mayhem Mode while matchmaking
- Adjusted the volume of the 2K and Gearbox logo intro movies
- Addressed reported concern where some players were missing skill points
- Updated gore stump textures for consistency
- [PC Only] Improved reliability of the voice chat system when open and closing the ECHO menu on PC
- [PC Only] Added a modification so typing in text chat no longer prevents players from fast travelling
- Singularity grenades will no longer cause Saurian corpses to float in the air after dying
- Addressed a reported concern that certain players experienced some Visual FX for the side mission "Transaction Packed" before accepting the mission
- Addressed a reported concern that some players experienced Brick getting stuck after chasing enemies off the cliff near Hector's Lament in The Anvil
- Made a modification where Amber Lamps no longer has a chance to spawn during the "Defend BALEX" objective of "The Family Jewel" mission
- Addressed a reported concern with the Legendary grenade mod Quasar, where it was not counting towards the optional grenade kills objective in Slaughter maps
- [PS4 Only] Addressed a language code issue present in PS4 activity feeds for English
- Addressed a reported concern where users with their region set to Japan were unable to complete the Fast Travel tutorial
- Made a modification so Safe Area Calibration is now saved when relaunching the game
- Camera no longer resets to a random location when using the Reset Camera function in Photo mode
- Photo mode will now force exit when the player is teleported
- Subtitles are now present when joining another player's game while a cinematic is playing
- Addressed a reported concern where some sounds were quiet or missing for the second player in split screen
- Made various split screen UI fixes
- Fixed a reported UI issue where the Mayhem Modifier menu would sometimes not appear for certain players
Hotfix Notes
As stated in last week's stream, this week's changes focus less on weapons and more on fixes across the game. We are gathering data, reading feedback, and working toward improving all aspects of the game. Please keep submitting bug reports to support.2k.com!
- Now consumes 1 ammo instead of 5.
- Addressed a reported bug with "Space-Laser Tag" which prevented some players from progressing to the next objective
- Atomic has been modified to no longer become invincible, as has been reported under certain conditions
- Modified Powerhouse Heavy's attacks to no longer damage players outside of the intended range
- Addressed a concern that Projected shields were taking too much damage from General Traunt's attacks
- Fixed the reported floating door frame in the Jakobs Theatre
- Addressed a reported potential progression blocker when Rhy's talks during "Hostile Takeover"
- Increased checkpoint sizes of New-U stations in multiple locations
- Included a modification so that Zane's Digi-Clone will no longer spawn into the cage in Slaughterstar 3000
Those are a lot of notes to take in, and we're still hard at work addressing reported issues in Borderlands 3. But given that we're just about a month out from Borderlands 3's launch, we'd like to take this opportunity to outline our plans for future updates, including some of the community's most frequently requested changes. There can always be unforeseen challenges when working on patches and hotfixes, so we'll keep you posted on more concrete release timings as these updates continue to progress. Here's a look at some of the things we're working to implement in future patches.
Performance and Stability
Game performance and stability continue to be our top priorities. The first fruits of that labor will be released in our upcoming November patch, with various improvements game-wide. We've also been hard at work improving the game's stability and more improvements in this regard are expected to be included in the November patch. Performance and stability will continue to be an ongoing effort with more fixes rolled out with each upcoming patch.
The Bank
Expanding the bank has been the most consistently requested feature by the community. We've heard you loud and clear and the ground work for expanding the bank has already started. The first of several planned expansions will coincide with the release of Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite. Expect a significant bank expansion that will more than double the existing space. Additional expansions to the bank will continue to be rolled out over future releases.
Dedicated Loot Pools for Bosses
Several of you have stated a desire to find gear more easily in the game. To do that we are updating the loot pools (the data that determines what in-game items drop) to ensure that more specific gear drops from bosses. That means you'll be able to go to a specific boss to get the specific gear you're looking for. We're working out which bosses get which gear right now and expect this to be ready as part of the November patch as well.
Character Buffs
In the late stages of the game when Mayhem Mode is active, we've found that player companions (Moze's Iron Bear, FL4K's pets, and Zane's Digi-Clone/SNTL) are reportedly not performing as well as we had expected. To address this, we're looking at how to adjust damage according to the relevant skills and gear. The goal here is to make sure we have as many viable character builds as possible.
Additional Mayhem Levels and Mayhem 2.0
Mayhem Mode has been a fantastic addition to the Borderlands world. After receiving some great community feedback, we've been hard at work on a significant revamp that will introduce a host of improvements over several upcoming updates.
The first update will be released as part of the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite and includes the first new Mayhem Mode level, Mayhem 4. Expect a significant challenge when it debuts, with tougher enemies that reward players with highly synergized character builds. A new batch of Legendary gear will also only drop while in Mayhem 4 to reward those players who are truly up for the challenge.
Longer term we have plans to overhaul Mayhem Mode with more UI support, new Mayhem Modifiers that change gameplay more dramatically, Mayhem playlists, new rewards, and additional levels of Mayhem to work through. We're excited about Mayhem 2.0 and we'll talk more about it when we get a little closer to its release.
Vending Machines
Marcus heard the outcry for more vending machines, so we're airdropping in some more across multiple maps. Expect new ammo and health vending machines outside of a few boss arenas and a few in some of the bigger environments. Below are the locations where the new vending machines will be appearing:
- Athenas
- Atlas HQ
- Skywell-27
- Lectra City
- Jakobs Estate
- Voracious Canopy
- Tazendeer Ruins
- The Pyre of Stars
Skippable Cinematics
We're currently investigating the best way to approach letting players skip cutscenes. This is much easier said than done. Under the hood, the game may activate critical events based on cinematics. In order to make sure mission progression isn't negatively impacted, we need to inspect each cinematic and make sure those events still work correctly. We have a few ideas on how to tackle this problem and expect to have a solution soon.
Target Dummy
Need an easier way to test your gear? We're going to add a target dummy to the shooting range on Sanctuary III! We feel this is the best location since your bank is also on the ship. This way you can manage and test your builds on Sanctuary III without having to travel anywhere else. You can expect to see this sometime in December.
The Future
The list above is only a high-level look at what some of our teams are working on. Stay tuned as we continue to add more information and additions to this list. We here at Gearbox are excited about where Borderlands 3 is heading, and we look forward to showing you all the content that's still to come!
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 17, 2019
This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes adjust Legendary gear across all manufacturers. Our goal with Legendary gear is to enable a large variety of playstyles and builds for all characters. After looking through the data, we found that that some pieces of Legendary gear were greatly outperforming others and felt they were limiting builds instead of increasing them. In addition, some of the damage output of Legendary gear limited the growth in combat engagements for the future so we tuned everything to an acceptable median. We expect all Vault Hunters to be able to create amazing builds and we want to support that with more ways to grow and reach those power levels.
Weapon Hotfixes
- Westergun damage increased by 25%
- ASMD damage increased by 28%
- Cutsman damage reduced by 25%
- Ten Gallon damage increased by 8%
- Sickle reload speed increased by 25%
- Faisor damage increased by 15%
- Infiniti damage increased by 40%
- Magnificent damage increased by 25%
- Jericho damage increased by 40%
- Lucian's Call accuracy and handling reduced
- Lyuda Critical Damage Bonus decreased by 30% and made a modification to address a reported bug that an extra bullet was spawned in the center
The Lyuda's functionality is to split the projectile from 1 to 3 after a certain distance. It was reported that the original projectile was never destroyed in the process of splitting so 1 projectile actually became 4. Addressing this concern effectively removed a full shot's worth of damage which auto-corrects the base damage of the weapon. Since we increased all sniper rifle critical damage bonus in a previous hotfix, we reduced some of the critical damage bonus on the Lyuda.
- Try-Bolt damage increased by 25%
- Alchemist damage increased by 25%
- Devils Foursum damage increased by 13%
- Flakker now consumes the full magazine when fired and damage is reduced by 33%
Flakker was greatly outperforming other shotguns due to the number of projectiles and the high rate of fire. We initially believed the resulting projectile spread would cause most of the explosions to miss the target, however this turned out to be false, so we reduced the projectile damage and allowed the weapon to only fire once per magazine. This change encourages players to capitalize on different stat bonuses to maximize the weapon's damage output.
- Laser-Sploder rocket projectiles spawn interval increased by 0.4 seconds
- Maggie damage increased by 35%
- Hellwalker damage reduced by 8%
We found that a couple of the Legendary Hyperion weaponry bypassed the Hyperion manufacturer playstyle too easily making their bonuses greatly outweigh the penalties. The Butcher was drastically outperforming all metrics and we chose to reduce the damage in order to keep the fast fire rate.
- Conference Call damage increased by 15%
- Crossroad accuracy reduced and it now fires 3 projectiles instead of 4
- Butcher accuracy reduced and damage reduced by 25%
- Vanquisher damage increased by 20%
Children of the Vault
- Skeksis damage increased by 15%
- Linoge damage increased by 20%
- Pain is Power damage increased by 25%
- Ruby's Wrath damage increased by 10%
Hex and Firestorm were calibrated to the wrong grenade modifier. These two grenades were envisioned to specialize by applying elemental DoTs to targets. Instead they were resulting in large amounts of damage and the elemental DoTs were minimal. We realize this is a drastic change on both of these grenades, but we did not want to remove the spectacle of the grenade (number of grenades spawned, number of targets hit, etc.) and focused on allowing their core identity to be emphasized instead of them continuing to just be high damage grenades.
- Hunter-Seeker damage increased by 25%
- Hex grenade damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 3 seconds
- Firestorm damage reduced by 70%
It was reported that the Legendary artifact, Elemental Projector, had a bug resulting in the max value being displayed at 183% instead of the actual max value of 113%. Therefore, we addressed the discrepancy and reduced the max value to 90%.
- Elemental Projector damage max roll reduced to 90%
Vault Hunter Adjustments
The current state of Moze's Iron Bear, Zane's Digi-Clone, and FL4K's pets have made players focus on other elements besides those Vault Hunter's fundamental action skills in the late game. While longer term solutions to scaling their damage is explored, we have boosted the health of Iron Bear, the Digi-Clone, and the pets to make them more viable. We will have more to say about long term solutions for these characters in the future.
- Iron Bear: health increased by 50%
- All pets' health increased by 50%
- Digi-Clone: health increased by 100%
- Addressed a bug with Salvation where grenades were giving life-steal
- Psychos will now use their True Vault Hunter Mode name in True Vault Hunter Mode
- Removed the optional Rare Spawn missions from Galaxy Progress
- Addressed a reported bug where Completely Sane Sid didn't always become hostile when using FL4K
- Addressed a reported bug where Ratch would not properly spawn during "Ratch'd Up", which potentially blocked completion of that side mission
- Included a modification so Lilith would continue to move toward the door in Shiv's confession chamber during "From the Ground Up"
- Lowered the chance for a weapon to drop from the Pachinko machine
- Included a modification so that Zane's Digi-Clone will no longer spawn into the cage in Cistern of Slaughter
- Shield Boosters were modified and are now set for autopickup
- An addition was introduced so Eridium chests are no longer listed as Red Chests in the ECHOcast extension
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 10, 2019
This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes address some player character passive abilities, gear balance, and some quality-of-life issues across the game. We're watching the character builds that players are creating and are looking through all the different gear available to make sure that there is something for everyone. This week, and in the coming weeks, there will be further adjustments to gear with the hopes of creating even more build types. Our goal is to adjust some of the less-used Legendary gear to bring them to the same level as some of the more popular options.
In addition, we are addressing reported bugs and are hard at work continuing to address other performance concerns. Thank you so much for your feedback and support. Please continue to submit any bugs you run into at support.2k.com.
Vault Hunter Adjustments
We addressed a concern that Alacrity was only rewarding players one point worth of bonuses even if the player put in more than one point. In addition, we wanted Phasegrasp to be more accessible to all weapon types and play styles, so we doubled the range to grasp an enemy.
- Putting points into Alacrity now awards a reload speed bonus per rank
- Phasegrasp can now be used on targets further away and the cooldown is now instantly returned if a player misses
The Bloodletter class mod was creating some overwhelming synergies for Moze so we increased the delay and decreased the recharge rate of the shield to compensate. This should help encourage the intended use of this class mod, which is to heal shields manually, not automatically. Means of Destruction’s re-trigger delay was adjusted again because the change limited other builds beyond creating infinite grenades. The infinite grenade bug will be addressed in a future patch but we wanted to enable other builds that use Means of Destruction so we dramatically reduced the re-trigger delay to a reasonable number.
Bloodletter Class Mod
- Increased the Recharge Delay by 150%
- Reduced the Recharge Rate by 50%
- Addressed a reported bug with Close the Distance so the Action Skill Augment will now deal the intended Shock Damage
- Means of Destruction now has a re-trigger delay of 0.3 seconds
The Leave No Trace change last week to FL4K was to forcefully inject the functionality of a cooldown into the ability. However, the value that was added was never the intended the value. We dramatically lowered it to retain the promise of the ability but with a cooldown that still allows players to gain ammo without dramatically removing a core aspect of a weapon’s gameplay loop.
- Leave No Trace now has a re-trigger delay set to 0.3 seconds
- Death Follows Close will correctly update several kill skills after unlocking this ability
Weapon Hotfixes
- The Lob's projectile tick damage is now 60% of base damage (up from 20%) and projectile speed decelerates faster to increase chances of hitting the same target multiple times
- Creeping Death damage increased by 200%
- Carrier damage increased by 60%
- Gunerang damage increased by 20%
- All Sniper Rifle Zoom Levels have been slightly reduced
- Long scopes on Jakobs, Children of the Vault, and DAHL Assault Rifles have also been slightly reduced
Anointed Parts:
- When Zane swaps positions with his Digi-Clone, the damage gained is increased to 130% (up from 75%)
- When FL4K hits a target with Rakks, the target now takes 100% increased damage (up from 50%)
- The Anointed part "Increased damage vs Badasses" no longer heals the player and now correctly adds bonus damage to Badass enemies
- Pain, Terror, and Agonizer 9000 have been adjusted to have an increased chance to drop higher quality loot
- Addressed a reported bug with Dynasty Diner that could potentially halt mission progress for some players
- Addressed a reported concern that some players fell through the floors in various boss arenas
- Modified enemy spawn level discrepancies reported in the later parts of the campaign
We noticed that some enemies were spawning at lower levels than expected in the later parts of the campaign. Players should no longer see enemies that are dramatically lower levels than other nearby enemies in certain areas.
Borderlands 3 Update and Hotfixes: October 3, 2019
- Addressed a reported issue where an infinite loop could occur when hitting the Guardian Rank experience ceiling
General Fixes and Improvements
- The Hollow Point Guardian Rank skill no longer damages allies
- Hollow Point Guardian Rank skill has been re-enabled
- Addressed a reported issue where some players were unable to unlock the Ultimate Vault Hunter achievement on Xbox
- Addressed a reported issue where mouse functionality may have been lost when hot joining a friend's session on PC
- Addressed a reported issue where some players' inventory would not be saved in their bank
This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, contain some player character balance changes and address some player reported concerns regarding enemy behavior.
Our goal is to make sure all three Action Skills for each Vault Hunter are viable, but we have noticed some skills have been outperforming others. To encourage more build diversity, we made some adjustments to FL4K and Moze this week.
We also looked at a few boss fights and made balance changes to make their combats more enjoyable. Finally, we went over some enemy behaviors that could have affected mission progression and adjusted some attacks to happen with more frequency.
Vault Hunter Adjustments
Rakk Attack! is great for constant damage output, especially when paired with Anointed gear. The base skill still seems to be lacking, so Rakk Attack! now has a guaranteed status effect on any enemy that it damages. Leave No Trace was returning much more ammo than intended, and we have added a re-trigger delay to keep its ammo return within expectation. Barbaric Yawp has an increased bonus, as we didn't feel that the amount of investment had an equal payoff. In addition, we felt that FL4K's pets were demanding too much attention, which was interfering with players trying to stand still for any length of time, so we disabled the ability for them to move you around.
- Rakk Attack! status effect chance as been increased to 100%.
- Leave No Trace now has a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds.
- Barbaric Yawp stat bonus increased by 100%.
- Pets no longer push around player characters.
- "Touch Pet" prompt is now a lower priority and should no longer interfere with looting or vending machines.
Infinite Grenades is not an intentional build for Moze—even if it is hilarious. To lower the power (and spam) of this build, a re-trigger delay has been added to the grenade portion of Means of Destruction.
- Means of Destruction now has a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Adjusted the balance of Gigamind, Katagawa Ball, and Billy the Anointed
These three boss fights had concerns with their health and shields that made their combat loops more difficult than we intended. Gigamind had a little too much health, so that was reduced slightly. Katagawa Ball will no longer regenerate its shields; we found that while players contended with the adds during the fight, it would unfairly regenerate its shield, negating the players' progress. Finally, Billy had 25% of his health removed; we agree that this fight often dragged on needlessly. We will be monitoring each of these bosses and may make further adjustments in the future.
- Bloated Rakks no longer spawn so many Rakklesnakes
- This change should make the Cistern of Slaughter in particular much more fun.
- Adjusted the cooldown values when they are displayed for Zane's skills
- Amara's Glamour will now turn enemies on each other, as described in the Action Skill.
- Modified the loot spawn for Sera of Supremacy
- Spiderant Emperors occasionally wouldn't drill back out of the ground, which created a potential progression blocker in the Proving Ground of Survival; we have adjusted this and the issue has been addressed
- Resolved an issue that could have prevented enemies from spawning while in Devil's Razor
- Lavender Crawly's physics were adjusted to prevent them exiting the world like a popped balloon
- Further safe guarded Apollo from being launched out of world as well
- The Rampager will no longer enter an idle at state at inappropriate times
- Saurian Slingers attacks were addressed
- Guardians now use all their attacks in Playthrough 2
- Guardian Wraiths now reliably use all their ranged attacks
- NPCs in the Slaughter maps were reported to sometimes attempt to automatically revive players in the arena. Going forward they will no longer attempt to revive players.
- Minimized the glow effect when opening Eridian ammo chests, can more easily see the ammo inside when opened
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: September 27, 2019
This week’s hot fixes target weapon & enemy balance, player characters, and adjusting chances of specific unique drops. Billions of guns were fired and after collecting some data, we wanted to balance some weapon types and weapon manufacturers. These adjustments are intended to even the playing field and increase build diversity for all Vault Hunters. Speaking of build diversity, Zane has received a gadget upgrade and we’re excited to see players create more unique builds with him! Many Crew Challenge enemies have specific loot drops but we received reports that some were not dropping them. We have made some modifications so they now have an increased chance of dropping their unique gear in addition to any other gear that may drop!
Weapon Hotfixes
Sniper Rifles
Sniper rifles deal high damage but felt a little cumbersome to use in certain scenarios. This change will increase their overall damage and increase usability in more combat engagements.
- Critical Damage increased by 20%
- Fire Rate increased by 15%
- Time to Aim Down Sights (ADS) reduced by 15%
- Time to Equip reduced by 20%
Jakobs and Torgue Pistols were outperforming other manufacturers, dealing damage to groups of enemies at a much higher rate than other pistols. This change keeps their identity intact but reduces overall group control. TEDIORE, DAHL, and Children of the Vault Pistols have manufacturer penalties that affected their overall damage. Increasing their overall damage will overcome some of the penalties while retaining their unique gameplay style and feel.
- Increased damage on all TEDIORE Pistols by 15%
- Increased damage on all DAHL Pistols by 15%
- Increased damage on all Children of the Vault Pistols by 20%
- Reduced damage on Jakobs Pistols by 15%
- Reduced damage on Torgue Pistols by 10%
Maliwan Manufacturer
Maliwan weapons had reduced overall damage because they applied elemental DoTs at a rate and damage greatly above other manufacturers. This effect was toned down before launch, but the overall damage was not sufficiently adjusted to compensate for the reduction in elemental DoTs. We’re adding back some of the overall damage and making the weapons faster so elemental builds can really take advantage of Maliwan weaponry.
- All Maliwan Weapon Damage increased by 25%
- All Maliwan Weapon Fire Rate increased by 20%
Atlas Manufacturer
Atlas weapons relied on a game loop that we felt gave players a greater advantage when used correctly. Turns out the loop is not used if the damage doesn’t compensate for the time to set up. So now damage on Atlas weapons should facilitate players using them in general on top of feeling badass when they take advantage of Atlas technology.
- All Atlas Weapon Damage increased by 25%
- Miscellaneous Adjustments
The Jakobs Assault Rifle change was to differentiate the Assault Rifle from the pistol as more of a mid to long range powerhouse. Since the Assault Rifles have low mag sizes compared to other Assault Rifles, they’re getting a slight increase to overall damage to compensate. DAHL SMGs had their Fire Rates adjusted down before launch but their damage was never sufficiently increased so they should feel more appropriate compared to other SMGs. And the Vladof Heavy Weapon damage has been increased to share in the full Heavy Weapon treatment.
- Jakobs Assault Rifles Damage increased by 20%
- DAHL SMG Damage increased by 10%
- Vladof Heavy Weapon Damage increased by 25%
- E-Tech TEDIORE Shotgun Damage increased by 50%
Legendary Modifications
We’re going to be making a larger, comprehensive Legendary gear pass but we have included the following changes. King’s and Queen’s Call were modified to lower the fire rate. The weapon has a limited burst shot count so overall feel of the gun isn’t dramatically affected.
- King’s and Queen’s Call Fire Rate reduced by 50%
- Firestorm and Storm base Charge Times were reduced to 1 second (down from 2)
Graveward’s beam attacks did not properly scale based on level so at higher levels, the two beam attacks hardly phased players. Players will find his attacks to be more lethal now. In addition, Graveward is a very large enemy and is too easily susceptible to elemental damage unlike the other large bosses. Elemental damage on Graveward is now greatly reduced but to compensate, Graveward’s overall health was reduced.
- Attacks of Graveward now scale based on level
- Reduced overall health by 20%
- Increased resistances to Elemental Damage
- Elemental Chance Resistance increased by 70%
- Elemental Resistances increased by 30%
- Elemental DoT Duration taken reduced by 30%
Miscellaneous Changes
- Hollow Point Guardian Rank has been temporarily disabled. We plan on addressing this further in a future patch.
- Vault Hunters should no longer scream when affected by a DoT while shields are active.
- Vending Machines will now be restocked with higher quality “Items of the Day”.
- Adjusted a visual concern on Maliwan Shotguns with Cryo Element.
- Legendary loot drops have been balanced throughout the game. Crew Challenge enemies will drop their intended specific loot, and some enemies like Troy and Rampager will be a bit more stingy and no longer drop Legendaries every kill.
Vault Hunter Adjustments
Zane’s gadgets were great at providing additional utility but lacked impact as players leveled up. We increased the Digi-Clone damage with all equipped weapon so the skill can scale better with players as they get to higher levels and harder content. The Drone requires a lot of player involvement to take full advantage of its damage output and increasing the base damage as well as the augments will greatly increase the Drone’s versatility and reward players even more for using it effectively.
- Digi-Clone Damage Increased by 38%
- Drone Damage increased by 50%
- Cryo Bullets damage penalty removed
- Drone Rocket damage increased by 50%
- Almighty Ordnance Rockets damage increased by 75%
- Guardian Angel health restoration reduced from 100% to 50%
- Glamour damage penalty reduced from -30% to -10%
Guerillas in the Mist’s bonuses greatly outweighed its penalty to the base skill. We don’t want to remove the playstyle completely, but the overall damage output had to be slightly adjusted because it was outperforming other builds. We’re monitoring the changes and may make another change to the ammo return in a future patch.
- Guerillas in the Mist duration reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
- Guerillas in the Mist Critical Damage Bonus reduced from 50% to 25%
Borderlands 3 Update: September 26, 2019
- [PC Only] Reduced the amount of texture streaming that was occurring when aiming down sights.
- Addressed a reported concern where certain users with a lot of people in their friend's list saw more frequent hitching.
- Implementing General stability improvements.
General Fixes and Improvements
- Addressed a reported issue where KillaVolt's Shield Storm attack does not disable the tiles around KillaVolt, resulting in the entire floor being activated (oops).
- Addressed a potential progression blocker in the mission "Footsteps of Giants".
- Addressed a reported issue where Guardian Rank had the potential to become non-functional and/or the player could potentially lose Guardian Rank tokens into the negatives.
- Modified vending machines so it will now sort items by rarity.
- Console FOV is now set to 75 by default. This will not affect players who have already started the game.
- Special prompts for particle text (Tediore guns, "critical", "immune") are now properly localized.
- Addressed a reported concern that certain players experienced where their vehicle's boost could continue into the next map.
- Addressed a reported concern with "Porcelain Pipe Bomb" where it set off multiple explosions when colliding with objects.
This grenade was never meant to explode multiple times. All enemies in the Borderlands universe are now safe from being instantly melted by radioactive poop.
- Adjusted the verbiage for "left stick" and "right stick" inside the Russian localized version of the control options screen.
- Addressed a reported issue where certain users experienced a failure of the audio to play when spending skill points in the UI.
- The text is now correctly marked "invalid" when you enter an invalid e-mail address on the SHiFT account creation page.
- Addressed a reported issue where the item of the day item card would flash briefly before displaying on vending machines.
- Addressed a reported concern that certain players were served an unread mail icon when they didn't have mail to read.
- Iron Bear button prompts will now correctly update if you re-bind your controls.
- Modified various features and elements of Crazy Earl's store.
- Addressed a reported issue where subtitles wouldn't display until after the initial cutscene.
- Addressed an issue experienced by certain players that social notifications could become stuck on-screen.
- Addressed a player concern that certain item preview images were failing to load inside the player bank.
- [PC Only] Addressed an issue reported by certain PC players where the focus from the mouse's last known location was sticking around even when playing with a gamepad.
- [PC Only] Addressed an issue reported by certain PC players where the cursor would snap to an unintended location in the UI.
Splitscreen and Online Multiplayer
- Addressed a concern reported by certain players that the dialog volume faded too low before switching to ECHO audio during split-screen gameplay.
- Addressed a concern reported by certain players that sounds were quiet or missing for the second split-screen player if they move too far from player one.
- Addressed a concern reported by certain players that 3-player groups were having trouble matchmaking with an additional solo player.
- Addressed a reported concerned experienced by certain players that in split-screen one player's sprinting animation could be interrupted by the other player opening the ECHO menu.
- Addressed a concern reported by certain players that in split-screen where one player's aiming down sights could be interrupted by the other player opening the ECHO menu.
- Addressed a handful of reported client replication issues:
- Addressed Tina's pizza bomb so it displays correctly for clients.
- Modified certain audio elements that were reportedly looping for clients.
- Addressed a reported player concern so the Guardian Skill "Dead Man's Hand" now functions property.
- Player icons are now pinned to the side of the mini-map when playing in any kind of multiplayer.
This update contains the first batch of performance fixes. It's far from exhaustive, but we wanted to address issues and concerns with changes that were ready and tested out as soon as possible while the team continues active investigation and work on additional performance improvements for upcoming patches.
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: September 19, 2019
- Yellow paint has been added to Ambermire to mark a more obvious path to complete the Sabotage Crew Challenge.
- The New-U Station in front of the Halcyon Suborbital Spaceport (used during the "Space-Laser Tag" Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.
- The New-U Station in front of Titan's Gate (used during the "Atlas, At Last" Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.
- The first Guardian a player runs into during the "Beneath the Meridian" mission is no longer over-leveled.
- The Eridian chest by the Grotto in the Jakob's Estate is no longer invisible.
Balance Updates
- Eridium crystals in Voracious Canopy grow less frequently.
- The amount of loot drops have been scaled down in Mayhem Mode.
- Torgue shotgun sticky damage has been reduced.
- E-Tech shotgun elemental damage has been reduced from "flesh off your bones" to "a lot".
- Chupacabratch dropped too much of his hard-earned loot.
- Adjusted spawn rate of Loot Tinks in Mansion. They're special again.
- Removed pain-sounds from Troy for his boss fight.
Hotfixes are applied at the Game Menu when you start the game. To ensure that the hotfix has been applied, go to the in-game menu and see if "Updates are available" is showing.
We know players have enjoyed a lot of our unique items and might be worried about the changes to Mayhem Mode. Mayhem Mode will still greatly increase higher rarity drop rates across all the worlds in Borderlands 3. The changes made in Mayhem Mode today, specifically on Chupacabratch and Loot Tinks, were made to spread some of the glory of loot explosions to the other areas and other enemies to hunt. We want Vault Hunters to hunt for unique items across all the worlds. That is the core promise of Mayhem Mode. The targeted adjustments seek to keep the grind fresh while still retaining an increase to unique drops for all parts of the game. We will be closely monitoring the changes to make sure players are still enjoying all the unique gear in the game.
In between the larger patches that will continue to expand and improve the game—the first one of those coming next week—we're able to make more minor adjustments via these hotfixes to improve and fine-tune your experience at a quicker pace. We'll continue to roll out these incremental improvements while evaluating gameplay data and identifying necessary balance adjustments, and will be keeping record of all patches on our site.
We are hard at work investigating issues that have been reported, including performance concerns and potential major bugs. Hot fixes generally are used to make balance changes and are handled by the design team. Additional reported concerns may affect other teams which may require that changes are made in a true content patch/title update. Together the Borderlands 3 teams are working tirelessly to release various patches or updates as soon as possible, however, we didn't want to wait on balance changes just for the sake of appearances. Thank you for your continued support.