Article originally posted on October 30, 2019.
At Gearbox, a little over 14 years ago, we began to develop a new video game concept that combined two of our favorite types of games: an action-packed first-person shooter mixed with role-playing elements and loot. We went to work, coming up with creative ideas for a title that was unique to the industry. One of my goals was to create a supportive environment where the development team could feel comfortable to take risks and push boundaries creatively and artistically. Finally, on October 20, 2009, we released Borderlands to the world. The pride I have for everyone who contributed to that game will never be replaced. It set the groundwork for a truly remarkable franchise.
Since then, I've had the great pleasure of witnessing, and being a part of, one of the most passionate and dedicated communities out there. Cosplay, co-op parties, art, fan letters, tattoos, fashion, weddings—you name it, the Borderlands community has done it and done it well! If you're reading this, there's a pretty good chance that you've done something to help create or participate in this incredible community and I thank you for that. To those who gave us feedback, I want you to know we read and take to heart all the feedback received. From Kohl, who wrote "You put a smile on my face today in a way a game never has," or Igor, who wrote us about his dad's passion for Borderlands, and to everyone who contacted us on Twitter and Facebook: we love you guys. You are why we do what we do.
Our commitment is to do the best we can to entertain you and to give you reasons to care about your entertainment.
Ten years after launching the first Borderlands game, we have now just recently launched Borderlands 3 and the reception has been amazing.
Here's the thing: we're just getting started.
We're taking what we know best and elevating that experience just like we did with Borderlands 3. The Bloody Harvest event is now live and will be through the beginning of December. It features lots of new content and lots of new rewards—all at no additional cost. You can find new cosmetic features that you've earned—not purchased through microtransactions! We're excited to explore this new approach to special in-game events and hope you all enjoy it too. Later this year you can expect the first of our Takedowns, which will pit you against new and powerful enemies at Maliwan's Blacksite. And, before you know it, the first piece of big campaign DLC will be ready with an all-new storyline, new gameplay, and a host of our favorite Borderlands characters familiar and brand new.
Make sure to follow Borderlands and Gearbox Official on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more updates, news, and announcements. And if you like Golden Keys, follow me on Twitter at @DuvalMagic and look for SHiFT codes!
I've never been prouder of Borderlands, the team here at Gearbox, and, most importantly, this community. The first 10 years have been amazing!
- Randy Pitchford